
How long has it been

I have 2 dates in any format (let's say in Timestamp) I need to find out how much time has passed from one time to another. ... zero months, and zero years have passed. All this needs to be implemented using PHP or Java Script. Thank you in advance =)

timestamp of a specific date

There is a time () function, it contains the timestamp of the current date. And how, for example, to find out the timestamp of such a date: January 1, 2013 00: 00

Get the world time via the api using JS (API request)

How can I get the time of a non-computer user via let time = new Date().getTime(); Without using other programming langua ... rks. And to get the time via the API, without relying on either the server time or the time installed on the user's computer?

Compare two dates without taking into account time

I have a date in timestamp format. How can I check whether it is equal to the current date without taking into account the ti ... rent one, but how to compare it is not clear: Instant date= Instant.ofEpochSecond(1502010000); Instant now = Instant.now();

Countdown to the e-timer date

I use e-timer on the website. you need to make a countdown every day to 20-00 if this time has come, then make a countdown to ... unts only in Moscow time for everyone. You also need to use only this timer. Link to the timer https://e-timer.ru/

How to convert a string with minutes / month / year to TimeStamp?

I'm making a code for testing only. In it, I have the following String: String tempo = "1s"; //1 segundo This string is m ... if (tempo.endsWith("s")) { added = (tempoSemLetra)*1000; else if (tempo.endsWith("d")) { //Como converto os dias? }

Multiple PHP timezone

's Good to have a system where you have to use a timestamp in UTC format, and the use of a system that shows you when your pr ... , how can I do to make this timestamp to a normal and work correctly in the site, showing that it was up-to-date on the time?

Convert date and time to numeric value in JavaScript

I have seen in Kibana the dates being treated as numeric values. For example, the date 2016-05-03T10:00:00 is equal to the numeric value 1462280400000. I would like to understand how this works, and what function it can convert.

Dealing with dates in AWK scripts

Context: I have a CSV file from which I want to extract and process some columns. I realized that AWK would be the perfect t ... : 1217473200s This way my problem can be reduced to the following: Problem 2: How to run a bash command from within AWK?

SQL data filter no timestamp

I have the following query: SELECT name, commission, timestamp, state_name FROM magry_awoaffiliate_commission c INNER JOIN ... ame Leticia | 3.76800 | 1489702437 | Paraná José | 7.76000 | 1489614271 | São paulo And so on follows other results.

Convert timestamp to date / time

I am querying an API and it returns me the date as follows: "timestamp":"1444253422.348340958" How to convert this information to date and time using Python?

How to check events between 2 dates in MySQL?

Knowing that I have a table called eventos, and this table has the columns id, titulo, inicio and fim. The columns inicio and ... nd I query by WHERE inicio <= '2014-02-01', i.e. same start date, it is not found. Knowing that I have the operator <=.

How to work with timezones without using a timestamp?

I was reading this answer , from Stack Overflow in English, and came across the following snippet: For MySQL (or MariaD ... e same? Is important to point out that I would even use type TIMESTAMP if it was not susceptible to bug of the Year 2038 .

What do GMT and UTC mean?

I recently discovered Unix Timestamp and ended up coming across the acronyms GMT and UTC, I would like to know what they mean. I already gave a survey, but I did not find anything very clear.

Save the Date.now () no postgres

Hello, I would like to know what type of data I use in the time column of my table, which will store the Date.now() of Javascript, it returns an integer like this 1591181717431. I thought about using big int, does anyone have a better idea?

Problem of the Year 2038

What is the problem of the Year 2038? Is it similar to the millennium bug? Are there already solutions to prevent information disruption?