
In the new TinyMCE, how can I make the statusbar show not only tags, but also classes-as in the old TinyMCE?

I attach screenshots from the old old and new TinyMCE. I downloaded TinyMCE from the standard package manager in MODx. The site is developed on MODx.

Tiny MCE. The h3 tag is block only

How do I make sure that when I select the h3 format in the button I created, the h3 format is not block, but inline? The code ... g', title: 'обвернуть в h3 тэг', cmd: 'cmd_mybutton', onPostRender: toggleState_MyButton }); });

Image I insert into email body using TinyMCE does not appear in email

I'm trying to send an email with one or more images that I uploaded using tinymce textarea, where I write the email to be sen ... e); echo json_encode(array('location' => $filetowrite)); } else { header("HTTP/1.1 500 Server Error"); } ?>