
Can I view the phone's POST / GET requests from the same WiFi network?

I want to study the requests of the phone / tablet through different applications. On the computer, you can use http analyzer, fiddler, and the like. But how can I block requests from the WiFi network?

TcpDump. How do I view the traffic coming to a specific port?

There is a simulator of a geodata transfer device operating over TCP/IP. This simulator is located on a remote server and sen ... tell me what you need to do to find out if there is traffic on a certain port number. I'm not good at system administration.

Where does the Internet come from?

I understand that the question is stupid, but still, it torments me.I understand what the Internet is. I don't understand one ... s it come from is this "someone else" traffic ? Perhaps my question is quite idiotic, tell me at least what to Google.Thanks.

Packet capture in the "Star" topology for the local network

When using this topology, all the data that comes to the device linking the network devices in the Star is sent between all t ... m a ping from that computer, when "Capture all packets in promiscuous mode" is enabled. Can the protection on the router go?