
Java. Help me understand the binary tree task

I don't quite understand how to build the tree itself. In this problem, we consider binary trees. The figure below shows an ... return; } //тут делать что нибудь со значением листка preOrder(tree.l); preOrder(tree.r); } }

Drawing trees in Python

I wrote code for a binary tree, I was looking for methods for visualizing it in windows, and as graphs, with nodes and other ... urn to the guru of this forum for help, namely for advice on where it is better to make trees in Python, and graph-like ones.

Binary tree and red black tree

Someone can explain to me what is the difference between a red-black tree and a binary tree, I see the difference only in the ... the tree when it becomes unbalanced, is it not possible to do the same in a binary tree without marking, I can also rebuild.