
How do I get data from a Treeview?

How do I open a window when I click on the Treeview Tkinter line? That is, the user clicks on the line with the data he needs ... database to a separate window, but I don't understand how to take data from the selected row in the Treeview. Please tell me

JavaFx: TreeView

How can I make such stripes (hatching) in TreeView? I Googled as much as I could, there is no hint of such a thing anywhere Javafx: swing:

JavaFX. TreeView. Data when clicking on Elements

I started to deal with JavaFX and a question appeared. Is it possible to make it so that when you click on the TreeView eleme ... - table of contents, TextArea-text for each chapter. If this can be implemented, please tell me what methods should be used?

Tree view hierarchical dynamic C#

I have the following situation, my select returns Me 3 fields micro (child), descr(child descr) and macro(parent) the micro a ... despite feeding correctly it only creates the first node and does not add even its children, if you can help me I'm grateful.

How to search a VirtualStringTree in Delphi without using Edit?

I have a VirtualStringTree with some items and want to implement in it a feature similar to what a ComboBox has. Works like ... Assigned (foundNode) then begin vtvGrid.FocusedNode := foundNode; vtvGrid.Selected[foundNode] := True; end; end;

Retrieve volume name from networked mapped disk drive

I am using DriveInfo.GetDrivers() to take the names of the disk drives present on the machine and list them in a TreeView. I ... layed like this: The problem is that in this medium ai has pendrive connected, network HD and CD-Rom disk in the middle.