
If isset in the Twig template engine

Hello, please tell me, I started using the Twig template engine, but I don't understand how to convert such a record if (isse ... h']) && !empty($_GET['hash'])) { $hash = $_GET['hash']; } Tell me please. How to work with global variables in Twig.

Display objects from the last one added

Please tell me how to display objects so that the last one added is the first one. Now it's the opposite. It is necessary th ... items' => $items, 'on_page' => $onPage, 'page_count' => ceil($count / $onPage), 'count' => $count, ]; }

Javascript - display: block/none

Tell me what I'm doing wrong. I want to show an element that is hidden. <div class="admincontent3" id="admincontent3"> ... -animation-delay: 1.5s; animation: seconds 1.0s forwards; animation-iteration-count: 1; animation-delay: 1.5s; }

Twig Template Engine (php)

Please tell me, I work with twig template.I pass the table rows as a variable in this form: ........................... while ... amp;gt;&lt;td&gt;&lt;/td&gt;&lt;/tr&gt; <table></table> </div> Why is that?

The if not in condition is not triggered

I need to keep all the items in the orders without repetitions. In this example, two different orders contain the same produc ... array of output products. The product that is already in the array is included in it again. Please help me find the error

How to work with i18n in PHP and Symfony?

Is there any add-on for Symfony that allows you to work with i18n and files .po and. mo or similar or is it really necessary ... on for this? Ideally I could call the translation in both twig and Controller. If there is what or what would be the options?