
Implementation of UART data reception on 1986VE92U milandr

I work with a debugging board for a domestic microcontroller 1986VE92 from the company Milandr. I implement data reception an ... ); UART_init(); while(1) { } } I can not understand what the error is, please help. My question is about:

STM32 The HAL UART Transmit DMA function does not work

Stone STM32F103C8, create a project in CubeMX, configure standard-USART2 in Asynchronous mode, activate its global interrupt, ... Qn interrupt configuration */ HAL_NVIC_SetPriority(DMA1_Channel7_IRQn, 0, 0); HAL_NVIC_EnableIRQ(DMA1_Channel7_IRQn); }

AVR does not transmit data over UART

When I was working in Arduino, I used Serial.begin (9600). Now you need to implement a minimal UART on the AVR Here is the in ... ly to send packages from AVR. I sew up with a fuse of 8 MHz (there should be no problems in the recording and PC - they help)