
How to properly configure $stateProvider in ui-router (angular) to work with two ui-views?

There are two named ui-views on the form <div ui-view="form"></div> <div ui-view="body"></div> In ... ;/div> is empty. Tell me how to properly configure $stateProvider, so that the content from the body does not disappeared.

Angular. Ui-router and access rights to the template

Connected the Ui-router. Displays three different templates in different locations. We send a certain parameter (aka statePar ... Is this also solved via resolve, or is there something more elementary? And then $rootScope can't be used in $stateProvider

How to configure ui-router for angular1 correctly?

Help us understand the nested routing ui-router. Here is a simple example. There are 3 urls: /main /main/apples /main/or ... 0px; height: 50px; background: green; position: relative; left: 0; -webkit-animation: go 1s infinite alternate; }

Router Angular 7 appears the page I want but does not take the previous page and is both at the same time

I set up my files all correctly I think, but when I click on the button This is the router configuration page I put the sig ... avbar is adding the page I Want below the page I want it to leave when I click on signup does anyone know what I have to do ?