
How to avoid burning out the USB ports on the "raspberry"?

I did a project where the raspberry controlled the arduino via usb, and the arduino, in turn, receiving data through com port ... avoid burning out of ports(from malinai or separately). How can we avoid burning them out(without using galvanic isolation)?

Ubuntu: why the "extract" function on a USB flash drive leaves broken files

I record two movies on a USB flash drive via Nautilus, each ~2 GB in size. First, the progress bar is shown, the first hundr ... stel/2571E5907D95FE34 fuseblk rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,default_permissions,allow_other,blksize=4096 0 0

Fix FAT32 flash drive reading errors

When you connect the flash drive to Ubuntu, a window is displayed: Не удалось показать всё содержимое объекта «Transcend»: ... generally says "format the disk". What happened? Did the FAT table fly? A cryptographic virus? How to understand and fix it?

Automatic live booting of Debian from usb

There is a live Debian image on the SD card, when the computer boots up, the selection menu comes out (live, install, etc.). ... e live version? This is done so that if the computer suddenly turns off, it does not stall on this window at startup. Thanks.

How do I install multiple Live CDs on a USB stick?

Yes: 8 GB flash drive, split into 4 partitions (FAT32 for intended use, NTFS for Alkid live CD, and two ext2 partitions for ... ard disk, respectively, I can not load any of the live cds. I couldn't fix grub.cfg manually... Can anyone know the solution?

USB OTG Type-C vs 3.0 USB C OTG Thunderbolt 3

I do not understand why you need an adapter from type-c to type-c - the connectors are the same and it is not curved, i.e. it ... s there. Why do I need such an adapter? If you are interested in the link:

How do I check if access to a storage device(USB flash drive) is denied or not via c#?

I am writing a program to monitor connected devices and need to do some actions if the flash drive is blocked(access is denie ... ing the flash drives). How do I check if I have access to a flash drive or not? I can't find a way or I'm not looking well...

How do I connect the USB library to the STM32?

I tried to find a library for stm32L152, I don't see a library for this microcontroller, there is a library for stm32f103 ins ... rt it into emblocks. Who faced a problem in mastering USB, what is better to read and how did you solve the problem with USB?

Automation of the vegetable garden [closed]

Closed. This question should be specified . Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... advise. Who has any suggestions? I've never done this before. worked with microcontrollers, etc. Sorry for the incompetence.

LG G3 debugging mode via usb (can't install driver)

Windows 7 x64, phone-LG G855, Android version-lollipop 5.0. I connect it via a native USB cable, using the PTP method with de ... the computer normally, but Android studio does not see it. I hope for a hint from those who know how to solve this problem?

No drivers are installed for the device. (Code 28) This operation requires an interactive window terminal

While updating the iPhone via iTunes, I disconnected the cable and put the phone in Recovery Mode, after which iTunes stopped ... on requires an interactive window the terminal. ITunes reinstalled twice (can't see iPhone). How can I install the drivers?

How does Windows install the USB device driver?

I built a USB device (CDC), made a driver for it (inf, cat, sys, dll) using libusb. It is normally installed via the device m ... they in the flash drive controller? How do I load the driver into my controller so that it installs automatically in Windows?

Windows: how do I determine the drivers that the system will load for a composite USB device?

There is a composite USB device, you know the Hub and the port number where it is connected, you can get descriptors. I want ... to determine the path to the driver, but for composite devices, only the composite device driver is obtained. Where to look?

How do I get information about a connected device?

I write in C++, use Qt under Windows. I need to get: the name of the model, manufacturer, serial number of the device(video c ... ra was connected. There is an elegant solution to this problem. If anyone has encountered such a task, please share the code.

Stm32+ USB. Skipping messages

Creating a device based on stm32, which would connect to a Windows computer as a HID device. To write a program on stm32, I u ... d with the transition of the stm to the next element of the array, without even waiting for the transfer of the previous one?

Mac os x 10.13.4 macbook pro 13 2012 does not see the external drive exfat

I can't connect an external seagate 1tb hard drive under exfat to my macbook. Air under the same OS version saw it, a PC unde ... e under fat32, so the port is working properly. I will be grateful if the one who faced and decided to share the information!

How to programmatically copy files from internal storage to external Usb Mass storage device

How to programmatically copy files from internal storage to an external Usb Mass Storage Device connected via OTG. It is clea ... ystem is not clear. I read that this is possible using the Storage Access Framework, but I did not find any similar examples.

When installing Windows 7 in VirtualBox, it does not see the hard disk

There is a bootable USB. VirtualBox loads it if it is specified as a master. At the same time, the second disk does not see it. If you specify it as a slave, it writes that it starts to boot from a flash drive and that's it. Nothing else happens.

How to run Ubuntu from a bootable disk to USB / How to get back to Windows?

I will be grateful for step-by-step instructions: There is a bootable disk on USB with an Ubuntu image. How do I start it? How do I get back to Windows after running Ubuntu?

Invalid COM port response when using USB-COM (python)

When trying to read the response from the COM port when using the USB-COM adapter, it turns out to read either garbage(incomp ... if (raw[3] != (2 * raw[1] + raw[0] + 1) & 0xFF): print("В ответе неверная контрольная сумма!") return 1