
What is the most correct and correct way to return more than one value in a method? With#

I need the method to return four values: one bool, one string, and two floats. I do this with Dictionary<bool, string> ... ect. How do you normally do when a function needs to return more than one value? How to do it more correctly and efficiently?

Default Value Dropdown AngularJS

In my project I have a dropdown, iterated from an array. Note that in the array I have a key called default that is set to tr ... ata-ng-model="nfe.naturezaOperacao" data-ng-init="" data-ng-options="cfop.descricao for cfop in cfops"> </select>

PHP delete values from form if successful

I would like the values of this form to be deleted if the form is submitted successfully, everything is ok (does not delete) ... error) { $this->_errors[] = $error; } public function errors() { return $this->_errors; }