
go (golang) error giving go install - unexpected directory layout command

I'm new to go(golang) I'm trying to start an application but without success, it returns me the following error when giving t ... workdev\ern-admin-cadastro-api\vendor\\gorilla\handlers separator: \ My version: go1.10 windows/amd64

The difference between the classpath environment variable and the files.classpath of projects in JAR

When we install JDK, we create an environment variable called CLASSPATH, which has as its value the variable JAVA_HOME, which ... Or each project has a file.classpath Why Can I have libraries that are not in the path pointed by the environment variable?

What are environment variables?

I have seen many questions, articles and even in some modules of the standard Python library where a term is introduced that ... certain language. My doubts are: What are environment variables? do all languages have the same? when should I use it?

What are Java-related operating system variables for? [closed]

closed . This question needs to be more objective and is not currently accepting answers. ... e real purpose of the variables is. So I wanted to know what these variables are for and what value should I assign to them?