
Difficulty updating global variable. c

I am developing the following code and I am using global variables that can be changed in different parts of the code, but wh ... digitalWrite(saidaclimatizacao, HIGH); estadoclimatizacao = 1; printf("climatizacao ON\n"); } }

How to make a global variable in PHP?

I have a login, and if the credentials are correct it opens another PHP file and wanted the name of the person associated wit ... the file " patiente_marcar_consulta_online.php " in which it would then present the name of this patient ID. Can you help me?

Local and global variables Python [closed]

closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... x(msg="Insira data início", title="Definir data início") ValidaDataInicio() EscolheDataFim()

Global variable in JavaScript

How to make a global variable in JavaScript? I need the variable that was declared in one function to work in another functi ... ill = "a"; }); $("#div2").click(function() { alert(fill); }); When I click on #div3 the variable works on alert of #div2!

How to use a global variable in a function in python?

I'm trying to make a lootbox system in python, but I can't use an outside variable inside the function from main import pla ... ara de Madeira','Chapéu de Couro Feio', 'Isca','10 reais','Sanduiche Mofado','Nada!!!','Balde Meio Amassado'] lootbox(1,'C')