
Find the coordinates of a point lying on the bisector of the angle formed by two vectors, knowing their coordinates

Given 2 vectors a and b, coming from point A, it is necessary to find the coordinates of point B. The distance AB is calculat ... Gamma) / 2 + min(Betta, Gamma) Tell me, are my judgments correct? And what is the condition should it be for Alpha search?

Find a point on a circle knowing the coordinates of the center of the circle, the coordinates of the second point and the radius

There is a circle, knowing the coordinates of the center and the radius to find the point on the circle closest to the second ... nts)) Almost what you need, but there is a dependence on the distance of the second point from the center of the circle

Perpendicular from a point to a line segment on the plane

All points are set by coordinates. When plotting a perpendicular from a point to a segment, I want to find out whether it(the ... d ∠MVA. From the point, you can build a perpendicular, provided that the angle is both in the first and in the second case 0°

What do the numbers in the "embedding" word vector mean?

Let's say there is an" embedding " vector of the word Watermelon = [-0.0415, -0.0079, -0.0261, ... 0.1022]. What do the numbe ... arison is made. However, I did not find this information anywhere. I am interested in exactly how these numbers are obtained!

How can I get the direction in degrees 0..360 from the projection of the unit vector on the x and y axes?

The direction of the vector is given in this format: Wind direction: projection of the unit vector on the X-axis Wind dir ... ) if deg<=0: deg+=360 elif deg>=360: deg-=360 return deg I doubt it.