
What is virtualenv for?

Why do I need virtualenv ? What kind of isolation are we talking about ? Why is it necessary to use virtualenv when making pr ... ou need to install a specific version of the library without updating (or deprecating) the existing library. Just for this ?

Problem with pythoh Fatal error in launcher: Unable to create process using '"'

When using virtualenv, it returns the error E:\rrr>virtualenv -v Fatal error in launcher: Unable to create process using ... -m pip uninstall pip > python -m ensurepip > python -m pip install -U "pip<10" It didn't help, tell me how to fix

error installing virtualenv in python

I can not create the virtualenv, I gave a survey teaching how to install and qdo I scratch the install her from this error he ... : ImpossĂ­vel corrigir problemas, vocĂȘ manteve (hold) pacotes quebrados. > root@AlexPc:/home/alex# My OS is Linux-ubuntu

What is virtualenv for in Python?

What is virtualenv for in Python? Do you have an alternative to non-use or is it more advisable to use it?