
What are the main differences between VB.NET, VB6 and VBA?

What are the main differences between VB.NET, VB6 and VBA?

VBA-application definition or object definition error

I am trying to retrieve the amount of rows from an excel spreadsheet to format it, but I am running into the application defi ... ection.End(xlDown).Select maxRows = objExcel.ActiveCell.Row I believe the error is occurring in xlDown. Can anyone help me?

Rename multiple files with VB6 database data

I have a table with the following columns ID, Cod and Nome, I have a folder with hundreds of images, these images are with th ... ameArquivo and brings the name of the file, however, it does not rename. What's wrong? Is it possible to do this in a loop ?

Print argox 0s214t label on vb6

I would like to know how to send the command to printer argox 0s214t to inform the type and size of the label using the usb p ... ond label it jumps a 30 cm. ^<STX>m^<CR> ^<STX>c0600^<CR> How to pass this command to the printer?

Confirm if user has already been registered VB

I am developing an application in Visual Basic, where I enter the records for a database in sql server, these records are sho ... ters are already in the datagridview, especially the id field which is my primary key! I'm waiting for an answer! Greetings

Return filename in VBS

Is it possible to return the name of a File / program by a VBS script? Type to drag and drop in script or open with... the script, it returns the name.

Help with RGB colors in Hexadecimal 16bits

So, I'm creating an editor for a PS2 football game in C#. And the" system " of colors of the game is RGB, and until then ever ... .. do you have any idea how this works? a way exists even because the guy managed to do in this program old is not true RSRs

Very interesting Switch/case in Swift - What other languages support this?

The Swift language presents a very interesting and very intuitive way to work with intervals using switch-case, with techniqu ... ught Swift's way of having that freedom was different. It seems to me that VB also has a similar technique. Hugs everyone.

Calculate age by date of birth

I'm trying to calculate the age in a field of a form through the date of birth, only it returns me the compile error 13 type ... datanasc = CDate(MskDataNasc.Mask) idade = CInt((Date - datanasc) / 365) TxtIdade = Str(idade) & "anos" End Sub

What does "Dim" mean in Basic?

OK, most programmers (I believe most of most) of Basic (popular; Visual Basic compiler) know what the use of Dim, but I also ... inition. I found on an ai site that means Dim ension, but, dimension? Is it really dimension or does it have something else?

how to close Word open by VBA

For each execution of the DeleteSel function, a "WINWORD" is opened in memory, even with the Close and/or Quit command it doe ... ion.Delete End If objDoc.Close objBkm.Close Set objBkm = Nothing Set objDoc = Nothing End Sub Would anyone have any tips ?

Syntax error in VBA [closed]

closed . This question needs details or to be clearer and is not currently accepting answers. ... rl.1" Then Set ss = sh.OLEFormat.Object.Object ss.Alphabet = DATAMATRIX ss.Text = "1234ABCD" End If Next

VBA, create a macro so I can compare two lists of names?

I'm having a hard time creating a macro that can check the equality between each cell in a list, and if both are different, l ... Selection.Cut Range("A4").Select ActiveSheet.Paste Range("B4").Select But I'm having a hard time doing that.

Input and output in Arena's Visual Basic

I'm having trouble with data input and output between Arena Rockwell software Simulation and their native Visual Basic itself ... r("Destino")) = 5 the following error message appears: "Run-time error '91': Object variable or with block variable not set"

Runtime error. Attempted VBA Outlook operation failed

I created a macro to run a routine in outlook. The code works perfectly on a PC, but when I go to replicate the code to anoth ... s("CGR") Set fol_UDI = ns.Folders(1).Folders("UDI") I've read several forums and found nothing similar. Can anyone help me?

Function equivalent to Chr$ in C#

I am migrating a snippet of code into Visual Basic 6 and came across the following Call: variavel = Chr$(27) & Chr(15) 1-What would be the equivalent functions in C#? 2 - what is the difference between Chr$ and Chr?

Counter to insert blank row every 5 equal cells

Hello, I'm trying to make a macro for a button, which puts a blank line every 5 cells with equal content, but I'm quite lay i ... Offset(1).Value Then i = i + 1 End If If i = 5 Then .EntireRow.Insert End If End With Next n End Sub

Difficulty looping in VBA

I made a Code Visual Basics to identify the expiration of insurance policies and go up a pop-up and trigger an email alerting ... ox "Não há mais outros vencimentos de seguros dentro de um mês.", vbInformation + vbOKOnly Worksheets("MENU").Select End Sub

How to open a userform with the same name as a button? VBA language

My program consists of 20 buttons and 20 UserForms. I wanted to simplify the program and make a unique sub routine. Every ti ... the same name as the button. Buttons: Foto1, Foto2,..., Foto20 UserForms: Foto1, Foto2,... Foto20 Could anyone help me?

Display a formatted text box for completion

Good Morning Gentlemen, I searched the entire internet but I don't think I could express myself so I come to ask you… I have ... would like to open a text box for the user to change the end or if the entire ip is not possible, for example: 10.10.0.___