
Makemigrations are not executed and tables are not created in the Django database

Development in Visual Studio 2017. When performing "makemigrations", as well as when checking " check" I have the sa ... f and re-created by the system, but constantly gives the above error.. What could be the problem here and how is it fix it?

Adding DevExpress items to the item panel

I installed DevExpress on my PC, now I need to add its elements to the elements panel, which I can't do. I couldn't find a so ... n the Internet, so I decided to ask the question myself. How do I add DevExpress controls to the Visual Studio Control Panel?

can't start the program in Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 can't find the specified file

Creating a project: File > New > Project... > Empty Project Creating a file: File > New > File.. > C++ Fi ... d the specified file. The exe file itself is not on this path, it is not even created. I would be grateful for your help.

The Database Diagrams folder is not displayed in Visual Studio 2017

Tell me why there is no folder in the SQL SERVER Object Explorer folder Database Diagrams?

How to display data from local db tables

There is a Windows Forms C# application for working with a local database. There is a database of 4 tables. The application ... OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } finally { if (sqlReader != null) sqlReader.Close(); } }

How to change the language of Visual Studio 2017?

If you follow the Visual Studio 2017 installation step by step, it installs the operating system language. How to change the language to English?

Xamarin Emulator works, but after updating Pro VS 2017 the app is copied but appears as blank

I use xamarin android player to do the simulations and test my apps but after I updated Pro Visual Studio 2017 the emulator w ... y happened before in VS2015 that sometimes took about 3 seconds Pro app show its features but now it doesn't even want more)

Application runs through visual studio, but does not run when run

I'm using visual studio 2017, I created an application with WPF, the application runs normally inside visual studio in debug ... Name="tbUsuarioLogado" /> </StatusBarItem> </StatusBar> </Grid> </Window>

Read tag fields in XML VB.Net

Good morning gentlemen, I need to read a field that is inside a tag in xml but I am having difficulties, I would need to do ... Dim quantidade As String = produto.Current("cProd").ToString() Dim valorprod As String = produto.Current("vProd").ToString()

Visual Studio opening multiple browser windows

How do you make both projects open in just one Google Chrome tab ? Process being performed, Click solution - > properti ... open in separate windows of google chrome. Expected result: Both open in the same google chrome window in separate tabs.

Form Visual Studio covering the Windows taskbar or standing behind the taskbar

I have an application that I use the property FormBorderStyle = none, but this happening that in windows 10 my status bar (st ... r) that is at the bottom is behind the taskbar and in windows 7 ends up covering , what can I do to adjust the correct size?

Visual Studio - managing locally registered dll publication from homologation and production environment

I'm working with a banco Itaú Dll (itauCripto.dll ), the documentation requires it to be registered locally on the machine ru ... dio publishes the project it is getting lost in this way. Can anyone say what is wrong or how can I make this path relative?

Aligning fields with bootstrap inline-forms

Good afternoon! I don't have much experience with frontend, but I'll have to turn around to finish a project, so I'll need a ... @class = "text-danger" }) </div> </div> Return

Passing date parameters to queries

I'm having a problem when passing a parameter. I tried debugging by passing the Date as ' string, but the problem arises that ... wDialog(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } } }

Error compiling a solution in C++ in visual studio 2017

I'm trying to compile a c ++ solution, but it's not working. Can anyone help me? I opened a visual studio 2008 solution in v ... ACRTIMP int __cdecl ilogb(_In_ double _X); Float.h: _Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl _logb(_In_ double _X);

Accentuation error in Visual Studio Output

print('Olá Python!) Follows some information, about the configuration of my PC. Windows 10 Pro Cmder Active code page: 850

Is it possible to program in Javascript in Visual Studio Community 2017?

Basic but specific question: In a video lesson they asked to download the VS Code and the Node.js to start programming i ... o Community 2017 installed, I can track classes using this IDE(since it looks good complete)? Or will I need VS Code itself?

RGB color in Visual Studio 2017?

How do I get more colors for my form background? I have a color in RGB and I don't know how to put it beyond the colors already offered in Visual Studio 2017. I've tried searching the internet and found nothing