
Connecting the. obj file VS 2017

When trying to connect .obj file error occurs LNK1107 invalid or corrupted file: cannot be read by 0xDF HLL D:\Aleksey\Learni ... ------------------------ xor eax, eax xor ebx, ebx mov ebx, mat_a ; pop ebp ret add_matrix endp end

automatic creation of stdafx.h instead of pch. h

Starting from the 2017 version, when creating a new project, the studio by default creates a file with precompiled header fil ... e what I'm looking for, but where can I edit this file from the studio itself so that it is validly saved when updates, etc.

Remote debugging of Visual Studio 2017

To debug applicationsVisual Studio 2015 deployed on other computers, I used the remote debugger Remote Debugger Visual Studi ... where the remote debugger for VS2015 was previously installed and successfully paired with it: Microsoft Windows Server 2012

Visual studio 2017 debugging

How to run a program in visual studio in c++ ? I can't find it anywhere in the settings, there is no such possibility to si ... What could be the problem, and how to solve it? Where the launch icon is only "join", but this is clearly not what you need

Visual Studio 2017 does not output characters

I write a program in C++. When running the code in the console, the question marks are squared instead of the characters. How ... n 33; case CellSymbol_spear: return 24; case CellSymbol_saber: return 108; } return '?'; }

Visual Studio 2017. How do I delete it?

Visual Studio 2017. Installed it. Then I tried to delete it, but it didn't work out until the end, because of a power outage ... s missing, i.e. it cannot be deleted; - in the start menu, see the screen.; Question How do I remove Visual Studio 2017?

What does static class mean?

What does this construction mean static class Class {}; If the design doesn't make sense then why does the studio compile it.

How do I write text with symbols in the Visual Studio console?

The c++programming language. You need to insert the label cout << "███████████████████████████████████" <& ... l; cout << "█────█─██─█─███─█───█" << endl; cout << "█████████████████████" << endl;

Can I install Visual Studio 2017 offline?

Hi there is an offline installer I want to put C# only you can do it without the Internet? Or does the Internet still ask for it?

How do I install English in Visual Studio 2017?

There is Windows 10 in the Russian edition. I installed Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition on it using the link from the s ... language is Russian. What can I do in this situation if the English version of Windows cannot be installed on this machine?

Visual Studio ignores gets s

Has anyone ever encountered a problem where you need to write to the buffer from the console using gets_s (buf, size) or fget ... } system("cls"); } } temp = temp->next; } } }

Problems installing Visual Studio 2017 on Windows 7

VisualStudio is not installed due to D3DCOMPILLER_47.dll. I even looked in many sources for a solution to this problem, including installing DirectX, but nothing worked. So it gives the same window:

What to install in Visual studio 2017 for c#development?

I decided to install Visual studio 2017 enterprise and the question arose: where to check the boxes for c#development. I know ... n install the remaining content later, so tell me everything related to c#(Web, game dev, software, and mobile development)]2

Is the localtime s function supported in the GCC translator?

Good afternoon. I mostly use Visual Studio, and for some time now Visual Studio has been insisting with maniacal persistence ... Https:// Localtime_s doesn't work either. Even if you define all the specified macros.

Configuring Visual Studio 2017.How to display class methods in the Solution Explorer

On the right is a standard project in the same studio, and on the left is mine. Where and what to click so that the studio also displays methods and properties?

Where can I download ready-made color schemes for Visual Studio 2017?

Where can I download ready-made color schemes for VS 17 ? Maybe there are ready-made solutions for the ColorThemes plugin somewhere ?

Connecting Sqlite to VS17

Good time of day. There was a need to work with Sqlite3 DB using EF, so the question arose, how to connect it, so that in Server Explorer it could be used as MS sql? What are the alternatives to connecting DB? Thanks.

Visual Studio 2017 on Windows 7

I'm going to learn C# from a book. The book did not tell you how and what to configure. I went in and downloaded the free ver ... Store and successfully with instructions that click back and forth, and when you start it said that no you can't use it here!

How to output an array (char) correctly?

We need to output an array of 20 q. But it outputs instead: qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqММММT?HЎhэУ. How do I fix this? #include "p ... 'q', 'q', 'q', 'q', 'q', 'q', 'q', 'q', 'q', 'q', 'q', 'q' }; cout << tt << endl; cin.get(); return 0; }

Visual studio community 2017 License expired

The license expired in visual studio community 2017, issues the following Community is positioned as free for everyone, what ... t, logging in again, creating a new account,and restarting the device. Reinstalling VS is not an option, traffic is expensive