
Program error in VisualG

I'm having problems with this program, because when I put to work and type a value greater than 18, a message appears saying ... ficação: adulto") senao escreval ("Sua idade corresponde a classificação: idoso") fimse fimenquanto fimalgoritmo

How to create an indeterminate algorithm using visualg?

I need to create an algorithm that returns me different values each time it runs, even getting the same input values. Aims t ... hat calculates its generations as long as it has children, and says that it has gone extinct when there are no more children.

How to make a variable of type character receive another in a conditional structure in VisualG?

I'm making an algorithm to show the highest grade and in that highest grade,show the name of the student who took that highes ... FimSe FimEnquanto Escreval ("O melhor aluno da sala foi ",Melhor_aluno," com a nota de ",maior," pontos") fimalgoritmo

What is the difference between VisuAlg and Portugol?

I'm seeing here a big rummage in the tags visualg and portugol. From the tag wiki, it seems that VisuAlg would be the inte ... e in Wikipedia about Portugol Notes I am using a softer definition of programming language that includes pseudocodes

Divisible-portugol (VISUALG)

I have the following question and below what I have tried but it is not showing only divisible numbers which is my intention. ... - divisível + 1 fimse contador <- contador + 1 ate (contador > numero) escreva("Número: ",divisível) fimalgoritimo

Array with strings in Visualg

I am having difficulty with the following Question: Create an array M [21,10]. Read 10 names (with a maximum of 20 chara ... ibute the letters in the array, and my code error says it's missing a do on the 5th line from bottom to top, but do is there.

How to put different texts for " Yes " and " no " in Visualg?

I recently started with programming, and I'm making an algorithm that guesses the age of the user, and I'm using Visualg to p ... 50 Escreval ("A multiplicação de ",S2, " e 50 é ",S3,".") Esreval ("Você ja fez aniversario esse ano?") fimalgoritmo

Perfect numbers

algoritmo "numeros_perfeitos" var c, n:inteiro nv, np, npv:real inicio para n <- 1 ate 100 faca para c <- 1 ate n fac ... do something wrong? And why does it run many cycles in the internal structure(I think it's 100000 cycles)? Was my logic bad?

How to save data to file.txt not VisualG?

Personnel need to make a registration system in Portugol for a college job. However, I want the data to be saved for a possib ... aving data to a file .txt not VisualG? (i searched found the command "file" but did not understand how to use) Thank you!

What is the difference of the structure "while" and repeat in VisualG?

What is the difference of the structure "while" and repeat in VisualG? Do you have an example?

Visual G: what does the ': 'character mean and how does it influence the results or not?

I'm learning to use the G visual by this stuff here: / ~rogerio/visualg/Help/linguagem2.htm In th ... and why the numbers 4 and 1? Did not understand what this character':' means and how it influences or not on the results.

How to determine if a number is power of 2?

I need to develop an algorithm in VisuAlg where I enter with a number and it tells me if it is power of 2 or not. What strategies can I use?

How can I compare values in this calculator algorithm

The purpose of this algorithm is to be a small calculation game, where it compares the result of the operation reported by th ... seNao escreval ("Valor inválido!") fimSe caso 2 caso 3 caso 4 caso 5 fimEscolha fimalgoritmo

How to eliminate repeated numbers from a visualg vector?

algoritmo "semnome" // Função : // Autor : // Data : 06/02/2018 // Seção de Declarações var veto1 : vetor[0..9] de inteiro ve ... t to take the values and put all in Vector 2 but excluding the repetition example appears only 123456789

Display whether the person is of legal age or not

Can anyone help me with an exercise in visualg? it is as follows: the exercise asks like this: Write a program that read ... escreva ("Digite sua idade: ") leia (idade) escreva fimalgoritmo O code I made is the one above but it is giving error.

What is the extension of VisualG for GitHub?

I have some old code of mine in VisualG and would like to publish on GitHub, does anyone know the VisualG extension that GitHub recognizes?

exercise in visualg algorithm [closed]

closed . This question needs details or to be clearer and is not currently accepting answers. ... * perc_imp / 100 preco <- custo_fab + val_dist + val_imp escreval("Preço ao consumidor: ", preco) fimalgoritmo

Algorithm in VisualG over prime numbers in a repeating structure

I'm new to programming and I need some help in a college exercise, I need an algorithm in VisualG that shows the prime number ... p<-p+1 fimse fimpara se (p=2) entao escreva (c) fimse fimpara Fimalgoritmo

Mathematical and logical operators in Visualg

Why don't the highlighted codes in asterisk work the way I chose? I realized that using the smaller number first and the la ... FimSe FimSe FimSe FimSe fimalgoritmo

VisualG-exercise with procedure

Good afternoon guys, all right? I'm having an algorithm exercise I, and I'm stuck in doubt. The Question: - write a proced ... extenso <- "Quinze" outrocaso extenso <- "Número não compatível" fimescolha