
The task of building a Cisco VLAN topology

The following topology is given, the task is to configure the VLAN network marked with the appropriate color, the original network is The main question for me is whether it can be done with only three VLSM subnets?

Centos 5 + vlan -> centos6 + vlan = what has changed?

Good afternoon, I transfer the system to new hardware and at the same time the OS. There was Centos 5. x, one physical netwo ... only on CentOS 5, everything works there.. P. s. I created files for vlans in the form of ifcfg-ethX.id, and as ifcfg-vlanid

Windows 8 vLAN setup

Faced with the following problem when creating vlans on Windows 8.1, Windows does not use the correct DNS, it is expressed as ... e same system on Windows 10 works without problems. Tell me how to properly configure vlans on windows 8 and is it possible ?