
LPC release on Stm32

Has anyone seen a program for stm32 to work with the LPC bus? Will stm32f103 and similar LPC bus exchange (read write to port ... to try what it is. Because razemov can often not be enough - this is an interesting way to expand the capabilities of the PC.

On Windows-10, the file system on the external HDD becomes RAW

Facts. The number of connected HDDs I have is more than 10. Agestar docking stations, USB3, some designed for 1 disk, some f ... not find a sensible analysis of similar cases. There are short snippets of information without a solution. WHAT SHOULD I DO?

What is the difference between Vcc, Vdd, Vee and Vss

I came across a lot of basic electrical diagrams, on devices connected to a computer, where Vcc and Vdd are interchangeable. ... ween each of the two options in pairs? Do the signs C, D, S, and E mean anything? And in addition: why Vdd and not just Vd ?