
How to filter a list in vue with response ignoring accents and uppercase/lowercase?

I am making a filter of a list by name, it works, but if I have a registered name as Higor, the filter does not work when I w ... arch)) { return users; } return _.filter(users, user => >= 0) } }

Table with multiple Radio Button-retrieve Vue values

I have the following screen: Which are basically disciplines with their classes. I'm using VueJs, where I have an object ... ="IdTurmaSelecionado/> I need an array with all the class Ids selected in each discipline in the scope of Vuejs (model).

Problems using v-mask (Vue.JS)

Wanted to use a mask in some componentized inputs, but it doesn't work, follow the respective code snippets: no main.js we ha ... data-vv-name='tel'> </my-input> Strangely nothing happens, no errors in the console, the mask just is not applied.

Generate line break in VueJS with v-if

I have a method that does a search in an API made in laravel and returns me a json, I need to go through this json in a v-for ... "> {{item.price}} </div> <!-- /.card-body --> </div> </div>

Delete copied array item without deleting the item from its source - VueJS

I would like to clone a list of numbers and be able to manipulate that cloned list without making change to the source, but i ... moverItem() { this.listaClone.pop() } } }) </script> </body> </html>

How to insert a Tooltip into an input field

The user of my system, uses notebook and the inputs, not of a form but of filter, do not appear 100% on his screen, but it is ... . The screen in normal size: A non-customer fabric: I know it's freshness, but customer is customer.... Thank you!