
The nested route component, Vue-Router, is not displayed

I configure routing using VueRouter, VueJS. The LessonsList component is displayed, the url changes.router-link works. But th ... Lesson.vue <template> <section> <h4>Lesson</h4> </section> </template>

SPA on Vue + Laravel: Sessions and CSRF token

I am writing an application, Laravel is used for the API on JWT tokens. In the web, there is only one route, which actually r ... and laravel sessions? And most importantly, what does laravel put in cookies out of the box, which is not needed for the API?

Vue JS 2: Stopping the lifecycle after beforeCreate

The task is to stop rendering and executing created() and mounted () in the beforeCreate method. Just calling $destroy () on the component will work after created.

Vue-router: hide components in page swap

I am learning vuejs and now I have come across a difficulty in the part of hiding components when showing the other routes fo ... ter-view></router-view> </div> </template> How do I hide a component as soon as the route is loaded?

Clear 'vue-router' history when loading main menu

In a PWA I am using VueJS and I am having problems with the back button of the smartphone, because when I use it the PWA does ... enter the main menu the history of vue-router clean and exit the application without going back several times on the screen??