
How to use kbhit () and getch () in C++ on Linux

I'm writing a small "snake" in C++ on this to the tutorial. Faced with such a problem that I need to use kbhit() and getch() ... k; } } int main() { setup(); while(!GameOver) { draw(); input(); logic(); } }

C++ Problem with std::cin std::cout

I have a problem, the code is calmly compiled into the exe, and the first two inputs work perfectly, but when it comes time f ... ns, please ask. [23.03.2020 19:22] Corrected: Changed the names of the variables, for greater simplicity and understanding.

Breaking command binds in Linux Xfce4

I have a problem out of the blue (I can't connect it with specific actions) problem with these binds in Linux Mint 19.3 Trici ... in the standard settings, so I have to use the layout icon. I apologize for the abundance of commas, thank you in advance.

Why does the "scanf" function not work in C?

/*The program requires the user to enter data, but this data is not perceived by scanf, either minimum values or zeros are se ... ромб, введите координаты заново\n"); system("pause"); return 0; } } //(here is the program itself)

Java character output to the console by " coordinates"

There is a program: Scanner Low = new Scanner(System.in); int one = 2, two = 4, free = 6, one1, sup; for (sup = 0; sup ... lt;- How do I make it repeat, relative to the last character, for example 2624: | -> | <- Thank you in advance.

Error in next.Int()

When executing the following code (I will only give a piece with the problem) public class main { public static void ma ... r.nextInt(Scanner.java:2212) at main.main(main.java:19) Please tell me what the error is? I see this for the first time

Incorrect reading of a string from std::cin after reading a numeric value

When reading a stream from the command line to a variable using std::getline, it does not allow you to enter data, it jumps. ... OUTPUT: adding a subscriber to a user group Введите id(число) абонента: 12 Введите ФИО абонента: Введите город абонента:

Entering from the console

Hello everyone. There was a need to read the user input until we meet three equal signs. But the code is exactly executed, pr ... input = in.nextLine(); System.out.println(input); } System.out.println(input); } }

Resetting the input buffer ("reads an extra [empty] line")

After entering a number (for example, age), I read a string (for example, first name-last name), but I get an extra empty str ... hen trying to work with C{[6] functions]} scanf("%d",&p.age); fgets(p.firstname,10,stdin); fgets(p.lastname,10,stdin);

How do I write an input string in Free Pascal with more than 255 characters?

Help me figure out how to write a pascal input string of more than 255 characters. After all, when you hold down one button a ... urn out to be only 255 and they are no longer written. Example: 1111111111111...1(255 units), 256 units cannot be written.

how to enter a fractional number from the console with bufferreader

How to enter a fractional number from the console with bufferreader

C++ question on CIN

There is a small program, everything is fine, but I ran into one strange difficulty. The code of a simple menu is attached, w ... a way, not for a beginner. I would be grateful if you can tell me the solution and at least briefly chew for tankers. Thanks!

How the scanf function works. Find out the type of the entered value

Task: Count positive real numbers in an array, output the maximum element and its number. Handle input errors, i.e. 1) check ... num = i + 1; } } printf("Максимальный элемент - %f, номер - %d\n", max, num); return 0; }

Emulating user interaction via bat

The essence of the problem: There is a jar program that needs to be restarted once an hour. To start it, you need to first e ... java -jar jar.jar < nul set /p str="1" But it didn't help. Is there a way to do this from bat or by any other means?