
Foreign key relationship problem in PhpMyAdmin-Wamp

I'm having 'problem' in my Wamp, more precisely in the latest version (Wampserver 3.0.6 64 bit x64). When I create 2 tables ... sing Xamp, works, which relates the two tables and opens an option with the id of the foreign key at the time of the insert.

Apache configuration 2.4.23 to work on a home network!

I'm trying to serve an application on a home network(windows10) but the tips I find on the web to change apache settings don't work, probably because they refer to earlier versions of Apache 2.4.23.

Wampserver does not install Wordpress

I installed Wampserver on my Windows 10, only localhost did not work, because of IIs Windows, so I configured Apache to use l ... t Can is blocking the installation? Or rather, from what I understand the Wordpress installation can not connect to the bank.

Help to configure Wamp Server

I'm having a problem on WAMP server, where I can't access my project from LocalHost when I click directly on the project name, only if I type "localhost/Project Name". Does anyone have any tips to be able to configure?

SQL Server Driver on WAMP

I'm trying to install the SQL Server driver for php 5.5.12 (x64) but I still couldn't get I downloaded the DLLs from offic ... 163712 I'm using wampserver x64 Apache 2.4.9 PHP 5.5.12 Is there any way to configure without needing to change 32 bits ?

configure wampserver for external access [duplicate]

this question already has an answer here : ... e router and not the wamp, as if it were a clone. My router: ZTE ZXHN H108n v. 25 Any tips on how to get to the www folder?

DLL error in apache

I installed wampserver 3.1.7, on Windows 8.1 64, and apache is showing the following message. I have tried with newer vers ... log, the following message [28-May-2019 17:35:07 UTC] Apache variable "${INSTALL_DIR}" is not defined. Can anyone help me?

Windows Server Configuration (wamp) for different applications with subdomains [closed]

closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... apt to what was provided: Windows Server, running wamp with different directories for each laravel application. Any light?

I can't log in to phpmyadmim

I'm using a computer with Windows7 and downloaded the WampServer dai when I'm going to enter myadmim it asks for an account I ... put the user like this: example@localhost and the password yes and when I put it on it doesn't come in anyway what do I do?