
Web file configuration.Config

I would like to know if I can leave the recipient's email on the web.config, if it gives, How do I deploy. I created a variab ... t;Mensagem: </b>" + mensagem; servicoDeEmail.EnviarEmail(destinatario, assunto, corpoDoEmail); }

Problem with connection between EF and PostgreSQL

I am trying to perform a connection to EF and PostgreSQL in an application Asp.Net Mvc I am using the following References ... ation: the type initializer of 'Npgsql.Counters ' triggered an exception. What would be the problem related to my WebConfig?

Deny / hide access to files that begin with DOT, such as.git,.svn,.DS Store,.yml

By default Apache denies access to files whose name begins with .ht, such as .htaccess: <Files ~ "^\.ht"> Require ... nfiguration files? If this is the case then I would swap it for a "group" of file types: (^|/)\.(git|gitignore|yml|svn)$

What is AppSettings for?

I was taking a look at the Web.confg and would like to know what the <appSettings> is for? What does it interfere with our application?

Where I find the Web.Config no ASP.NET Core MVC 3.1?

I am having problems with accentuation in a View, I have already opened my view's in Notepad .cshtml and save all with UTF - ... uation problem in the application yet, I checked in all folders and did not find the Web.Config only the appsettings.json : (

Visual Studio( C#): use web.debug.config without having to publish

I would like to have 2 configuration files in my c # application. They would be: web.config and web.debug.config. The purpose ... In short: you can run the web.debug.config when I do F5(debug)? If it's not possible, do you have any other ideas? Thank you.