
C# WebBrowser entering data to get the TIN of a physical person.persons on the tax service website

I'm trying to write a program that would go to the site https://service.nalog.ru/inn.do, filled out the form, and received th ... WriteLine(br.Document.GetElementById("resultInn").InnerText); Console.WriteLine(br.Document.Body.InnerHtml); }

I don't fully understand what I didn't add to the code to make it work

This code should write the number of elements in the nested list in the element in which they are <ul> < ... document.createElement('li') ul.innerHTML = ul.length ul.append('ul') } } }

c#. System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser and the text code for the IFrame

I use the standard System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser for loading and displaying a single web page. WebBrowser emulates version ... ch, but with a lot of effort. Maybe there is a way to force WebControl to render the full html along with the IFrame content?

How do I detect the browser engine?

How do I detect the browser engine? It is advisable to determine not by the table in the wiki, but programmatically or somewhere in the browser itself.

Awesomium-displaying the current url

using Awesomium.Core; using Awesomium.Windows.Forms; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentMo ... te address after loading the link, taking into account JS redirects? Let's say that each redirect displays a link in textBox.

How to connect Awesomium instead of WebBrowser

And how much will the project weigh? And how to collect everything in 1 file, I understand that you need to add a bunch of dll files to the project folder... Or I'm wrong... I just watched some video, but there was a webkit.

How to open some part of a web page in a form in c#

I am writing a small program (as a training exercise in training): you need to open a web page. In theory, this is quite simp ... webBrowser1 size of 200x200 and I want to display the upper-right square of Google. Is it possible to implement this somehow?

From string to System. Uri

I started working with the Internet in c# and immediately this question arose. How do I make webBrowser read textbox. Text and write it to the url property?

mp4 does not play in the Opera browser on Arch Linux

No mp4 files are played on any site. What could be the reason? I read that earlier opera did not support this format at all, ... refox perfectly plays any video on the same machine. OS: Arch Linux x86_64 GPU: Intel HD Graphics 620 Opera: 55.0.2994.44

Upload files with web browser c#

I am developing a process automation system, where my client's vendor website has a part that needs file upload. All automati ... ut type="hidden" id="id_ticket" name="id_ticket" value="7539371"> <input type="submit" value="Enviar"></form>

How to flegar a checkbox via webbrowser?

I am trying to mark a checkbox via webbrowser, but I am not being able to mark. HtmlElementCollection theElementCollection = ... ked", "true"); } } } } When I check the html of the page it is setting the label checked="true

Manipulate page with WebBrowser

I'm having trouble sending values to a form via Web Browser. My goal is to make a post, that is, send the values to the input ... wser (meulink - the one with the form). Can someone give me a help? I don't know how to do it right, I'm relying on research.

Help in creating bots for a web Browser game [closed]

Closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... tic, the script click attack alone ): <button tabindex="-1" class="btn btn-inverse btn-large"> Atacar </button>