
Discord rection of Bots on Webhooks

I want to make The bot added a response to a message from the WEBhook, but it doesn't. Is there a solution?

Webhook processing with bitrix24 in Python Flask

I don't understand what the problem is at all. It is necessary to process the webhook with Bitrix 24. But I get the HttpStatu ... orld</h1>' if __name__ == '__main__': app.run() Here is the error that gives: "¦¢¥£)>K¾+6Þ¿6Ø{vÓÄ0HAb"

What is a webhook? And how to connect it?

I really couldn't figure out what a webhook was for a while)) It turned out to be a completely simple technology, so no one r ... o work with constructors. Question asked not only for me to answer it myself, but maybe there are more interesting solutions?

Send image along with text to Discord using Webhooks

I'm trying to make a script that sends news, updates, to a server of Discord , for this I need to use the system of Webhooks ... the site that sends the news to discord: Discord: https://discord.gg/6nGdjnz Posting Site: http://diegodevphp.esy.es /

How to receive data in JSON (REST)

Hello, I'm learning to program, I'm in 1 semester of development and I'm being charged at work to learn how to do it, and I'd ... ve no idea how to solve this... the data in the webhook is being sent wrong, it was to send in JSON (sorry for "lexicon")