
Connecting webpack 4 fonts

I study the webpack - it turns out the following system. There is a main folder for development (src). It contains the follow ... onts/mp.woff') format('woff'); Then everything works, but the fonts folder is created, next to the dist- _- {folder[7]}

Module parse failed: Unexpected token (7:4) You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type

Error in ./REST_R/frontend/src/components/App.js 7:4 Module parse failed: Unexpected token (7:4) You may need an appropr ... ", "webpack": "^4.16.2", "webpack-cli": "^3.1.0" }, "dependencies": { "babel-preset-es2015": "^6.24.1" } }

MiniCssExtractPlugin doesn't work in webpack 4 for scss

I started learning webpack. I installed version 4. I collect js and scss files. The task is to get one compressed js file, an ... e, please, what could be the problem? Or maybe there are alternative modules for webpack 4 to generate one single style file?

Extract Text Plugin doesn't work in Webpack 4

The file with styles{[3] is not added to dist]} Package.json { "name": "jelly-effect", "version": "1.0.0", "descr ... let prod = options.mode === 'production'; conf.devtool = prod ? 'source-map' : 'eval-sourcemap'; return conf; };

How to build a multi-page BEM project with dependencies on Gulp4 and / or Webpack4?

I have only recently started to master the BEM methodology comprehensively (before that I used only BEM naming). I really lik ... pe I was able to express myself clearly and get my point across. What are your thoughts on this? :) Thank you all in advance.

webpack4 does not compile all HTML files

I initially did not correctly understand the essence of the problem, I edit the question to more accurately formulate the ... in header does not work I get an error. Tell me, what's wrong with my webpack???? Analog of the question on StackOverflow

Node.js + Webpack + TypeScript: dirname returns the root of the C drive

There is a library that is being developed along the way, and the main project that uses this library. Admit: The library h ... this, path.resolve(__dirname, 'fileName') will give C:\fileName. Naturally, I run the project NOT in the root of the C: