
Using the Yandex-API geocoder from the Windows command line (wget, curl)

Good afternoon, I'm trying to make a request to the geocoder (interested in geocoding the address) using command-line utiliti ... ├╝ ├│├л.├Г├│├д├о├в├а├н├╢├е├в├а 37" How do I make it possible to execute a query from the command line? Thank you in advance.

How to download all files from a folder mail.ru cloud?

There is a shell script that downloads a file from the Mail cloud. Can you tell me how to download all the files in it to a z ... ":"\([^"]\+\)".*/\1/') wget --no-check-certificate --referer=$URL "$URLPART0/$URLPART1/$FILENAME?key=$URLPART2" -O $FILENAME

How to download the file using wget on an authenticated website?

I am trying to download a backup file that is located on an authenticated website using wget. I tracked the http behavior whe ... r ways too, but to no avail: My URL download is similar to this: https://quire.io/r/export/project/projectName/file.csv

Direct Link does not work with wget on ubunto [closed]

Closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... 33450406/shingeki-no-kyojin-2-7-mp4 it just gets connecting Infinity, but when downloaded by the browser it works perfectly.

Wget with Joker in url

Is it possible to use wget with url containing Joker?, for example: wget http://files.www.url.com/pastaDownloads/*.pdf

How to download from the command prompt?

I've seen several videos, but I don't want to download that one of Wget. Is there no other way?