
Select with like with argument %

I am trying to perform a select, using LIKE and setting the argument%: Where title LIKE ' % computer% 'locates all book ... h { } finally { sqlconn.Close(); } return grid_produtos; }

Select with where condition with multiple values in the same column

I have two tables in my bank and perform JOIN with them. One table is a list of people, and the other list features that pers ... | Inteligente | +-----+---------+----------------+ The purpose is to build filters using people's characteristics.

Where clause takes too long

I'm using Laravel 5.6 My model is normal <?php namespace App; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model; class MyTable ... le WHERE description = ?', [1]); Or if you bring only one $table = MyTable::find(1); $table = MyTable::all(); Works

Where Mysql search by full word

I have a database and would like to know how I do to search for the data by typing the complete result using where Example: ... like '%100%' But the 100 searched ta showing all the results that has 100, then returns 88100 and 100 What Can I be doing?

INSERT into with filter in MySQL

I'm trying to create an INSERT INTO in a table X by making a filter in Table Y, but I get a syntax error. I researched what might be wrong, but didn't find out. INSERT INTO products ( SELECT * FROM products AS P WHERE P.FK_ID_QUOTE = 101 )

How to make a select inside another select in mysql

I need to take the smallest value of a column to use it as a condition in where, but I don't know how to do that. The column ... s_photos id|pro_id| image | ordering 1 | 1 | imagem1.jpg | 2 2 | 1 | imagem2.jpg | 1 3 | 2 | imagem3.jpg | 1

Use CASE in a WHERE clause

I need to use a condition within a filter parameter in a report. Basically the rule is determined by a vachar field that its ... ao between '2018-01-01' and GETDATE() ELSE NotFis.dt_CAD between '2018-01-01' and GETDATE() END)

Doubt with LEFT or INNER JOIN and where SQL Access

Everything Okay? So, I have this query here in Access: SELECT tbl_produtos.NomeProduto, tbl_produtos.PrecoVenda, tbl_precos_ ... it does not have yet so that data can be added. I don't understand much of SQL and would appreciate a help. Grateful Fabio