
How do I set global settings for the Yii2 widget?

There is, for example, such a repeating code. <?php echo $form->field($model, 'requirements_ru')->widget( CKEd ... 'editorOptions' => [ 'preset' => 'basic', 'inline' => false, 'height' => 600 ], ]);

Qt C++ QComboBox Palette-setting the color (background-color)

How can I change the background-color QComboBox without using styleSheet? Using this code: QComboBox *cmb = new QComboBox(th ... ins the standard color - how do I change the color of the comboBox completely? (I attach a screenshot of the current result)

I can't update the VK API widget

Good day forum users. I really need help with building the JSON code to update the VK API widget. I understand all the detail ... do a widget update. Please help me. I also searched here, found questions that no one answered. I hope someone can help me.

For some reason, the comments widget "Vkontakte" is not centered horizontally"

Hello! I insert a piece of code, everything works, but the horizontal alignment of the widget is on the left edge. I tried to ... th: "665", attach: "*"}); </script> </p> </t> </t> Please tell me what the problem is?

How to properly connect the yii\jui widget to the Yii2 project\DatePicker?

I decided to connect the yii\jui widget to the project\DatePicker http://www.yiiframework.com/doc-2.0/yii-jui-datepicker.html ... . And the console displays an error: Jquery.js:3793 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'regional' of undefined