
Migrating a domain from Windows Server 2003 to Windows 2008 R2

I perform the migration based on this instruction from a Microsoft specialist. Having done everything according to the instr ... Directory I go to "Summary", click next and I get an error:The specified domain does not exist or cannot be connected to it.

Parameters in the Powershell script variables

Hello everybody!Question: is there a powershell script that has a variable, conditionally $User_name? Is it possible to make ... in the task: execute "myscript. ps1" parameters: "$User_name= "Ololosha Valueva"", and the script is executed for this user.

Proper migration of windows 2008 r2 to ProxMox

Good afternoon. The task is to replace the physical terminal server based on Windows 2008 R2 with its virtual copy. ProxMox ... omething that can create a map (list) of existing user file access rights? Which user has access to which directory? Thanks.