
How do I check if access to a storage device(USB flash drive) is denied or not via c#?

I am writing a program to monitor connected devices and need to do some actions if the flash drive is blocked(access is denie ... ing the flash drives). How do I check if I have access to a flash drive or not? I can't find a way or I'm not looking well...

Restoring Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) after a fatal crash

On a computer running Windows 10, WMI stopped working. No scripts that used to work normally now function. The range of retur ... le" and so on). Is it possible to fix this? Why did this happen? If not, is it possible to work without a functioning WMI?

Get the computer name via the IP address

set WMI = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & ip & "\root\cimv2") if Err.Number <> 0 then msgbox Err.Description end ... on behalf of the system returns the error Permission denied 70 What other way can I get the name of a remote computer?

Get the total free volume for each disk via WMI in C#

You need to use WMI to find out how much free space there is on each physical HDD. It is not known in advance how many HDDs a ... ns the number 3, taking into account the hidden partitions. And in Win32_LogicalDisk, of course, there are no such sections.

Control the CPU fan in C#

How do I read and set the CPU fan speed and also read the current speed? I tried to use this code but also could not get res ... nd the Open Hardware Monitor, but I did not find any examples of how I do to apply. Anyone have any idea how I can do this?

PHP wrapper wmic

I am currently using wmic on Linux to query data on a Windows machine. The web interface of the query system is written in P ... [CreationDate] => 26/08/2016 - 13:06:39 [ExecutablePath] => C:\Windows\system32\taskeng.exe ) )

Problem trying to get CPU temperature using WMIC

I am creating a program for Windows and I need to get the CPU temperature of the user. For this task I am using wmic with the ... tch was always the same. Am I doing something wrong, is there a problem in wmic or the lack of some feature on my computer ?

Print Spool monitoring

I am trying to make an application that monitors my printer and when the user sends a print, of whatever program it is, it ca ... frmMonitor2 novoMonitor = new frmMonitor2(); novoMonitor.Show(); } } } Could anyone help me?