
How to find out which WordPress template is using on a website page?

I'm often not sure exactly which theme file is generating a site page, for example http://example.com/nome-da-pagina-post. W ... @subpackage Twenty_Thirteen * @since Twenty Thirteen 1.0 */ get_header(); echo 'SINGLE.PHP'; ?> Have any easier ways?

Error establishing a connection to the database

I am getting this message several times: Error establishing a connection to database I have read some material about th ... de is for calling images hosted outside of wordpress and showing them in the theme. Can this code be related to MySQL error?

Display image next to Category related post title

I need to display an image related to the category of postnext to the title of post, so I installed the plugin Taxonomy Im ... doesn't work. Has anyone ever done something like this and can recommend me some other plugin or help me in running this one?

How to translate wordpress error message

Hello, Good Morning! I am having a problem and I am not finding the variable to be able to solve, I have a site in WP and whe ... m_login_error(){ return $error = "Informações não existem ou estão erradas!"; } } But it hasn't worked out yet

Error in wordpres JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1

This error jqmigrate: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1 is appearing on my worpdress website only when I use the Google chr ... eady in chrome and opera the scroll effect does not work. How do I solve the problem? The site is: http://needeng.com.br /

Wordpress code is modified, but the blog does not update. What will it be?

I have a doubt I do not know how to ask I will try to be clear and objective. I'm learning how to edit wordpress blogs and I ... ed. What do I do? Ideas? I don't know anything about php, I'm Editing only css, html and javascript from the wordpress blog.

Related posts Wordpress

Talk guys, I'm developing a wordpress theme, and on a page I use a function to pick up the related posts, it picks up all t ... lt;/div> <?php endwhile; // Restore original Post Data wp_reset_postdata(); endif; }

Wordpress - how to get thumbnail in an HTML tag with CSS and PHP?

I have a CSS that looks like this: .cid-rlWhG48NmK { padding-top: 60px; padding-bottom: 0px; background-image: ... or the one set otherwise. Anyone know how to solve? PS: I remove the background-image from CSS to make the code I want.

How to list all categories in wordpress menu automatically?

I'm trying to list all wordpress categories to form a dropdown menu with them as the menu is created in the theme admin panel ... } ?> </ul> </li> </ul> </nav> Wordpress admin panel image:

Difficulties in editing HTML in Wordpress

Good afternoon everyone ! I need to be translating a text from that page (attached the print from the exact location) where I ... couldn't... how to access the HTML page ? If you do, how ? If I don't, how can I edit that ? Thank you for your attention ]1

Error syntax error, unexpected t VARIABLE

I'm having a problem and I'm a beginner in PHP, I don't know if it's easy to fix this error. (Parse error: syntax error, ... , 'subsets' => array( 0 => 'latin', ), ), // ... ); ?> Complete file

Wordpress, contact info & map Widget (jetpack)

I need to fix an error within wordpress, at this time I have installed the theme Flat Bootstrap,and the same does not have th ... what should I do? In the console is pointing an error in css. The site is https://unpraising-runway.000webhostapp.com /

Display userName logged in to wordpress

I have a wordpress site, I use the TOTAL template. In this template, at the top of the site appears the message login for th ... t; [font_awesome icon="user"] [wp_login_url text="Entrar" logout_text="Sair"]</span> Since now I appreciate the help!

How to blur image in css without leaking? [duplicate]

this question already has answers here : ... o . I would like to learn how to blur an image without leaking in Wordpress - See example How does that!