
Focus in an already running app

The LyX program window is open (they write in it). You need to write a file .js for executing certain commands in this window ... his script, the word is already running). It seems as if the system does not know the names of the programs implanted in it.

Windows Script Host-unidentified error

Took a small example from the documentation for InternetExplorer. Application: Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Applic ... , very important: on windows 7 it works, and access to the DOM elements of the page (tested with its html page) is available.

VBS Error when saving a Word file

VBS script. I'm trying to save a Word file from doc format to docx format. If I do not specify the extension of the saved fil ... trPath & strFileName End With End If End With .Quit wdDoNotSaveChanges End With WScript.Quit