
How to run a graphical shell in Android x86

After installing Android x86, the graphical shell does not load. How to load the graphical shell

What is the alternative to an FPU on x86-64?

The code that performs calculations on floating-point numbers uses different extensions on x86 and x86-64 systems. On x86, this is an FPU, and on x86-64?

What is the difference between ring0 and ring1?

At the interview, they asked me the difference, but I couldn't answer. What is the difference between ring0 and ring1? Why a ... but they said that it was difficult. I tried Googling, but it's in English and it's not clear. Can someone explain clearly?

Is it possible to define integer overflow in C/C++ languages?

The problem of integer overflow (integer overflow) is often mentioned in the context of safe programming. Is it possible to c ... ed (by logic). And in most cases, with a high probability, everything is normal (the real values are small), but sometimes...

What is the nop for here?

Why is there nop in this tutorial code? The code changes lowercase letters to uppercase letters. DATASG SEGMENT PARA MYTEXT ... RET BEGIN ENDP COR PROC NEAR NOP AND AH,0DFH MOV [BX],AH RET COR ENDP CODESG ENDS END BEGIN

Mapping video card memory for access via Intel compatible x86 processor

Thinking of x86 Intel compatible computers, without considering the facilities provided by modern operating systems, anyone w ... he answer involves the Linux source code, I would ask, please, to indicate the version, the file and the corresponding lines.

Develop for x86 and x64 platforms

More and more operating systems have prioritized the "Version" 64bits, with this, the development of applications for this ar ... editing images, Games, etc? my project is set to Platform target: Any Cpu will I automatically have version 32 and 64bits?

How to convert string lowercase to uppercase in Assembly?

I made this code that reads a sentence and determines if the first letter is uppercase or not, now I have to sweep the whole ... mov eax, 4 ; Servico (print) int 0x80 ; Executa (exibe) ret ; Devolve ao chamador

How to compile this code in Assembly on Windows?

I was seeing a creation of a basic window in assemblythat displays a message, I have already installed the compiler NASM bu ... mp _EndWndProc; _WM_DESTROY: push 0h; call PostQuitMessage; _EndWndProc: Ret WndProc EndP END Entry;