
Change the bitness of the operating system that I write myself?

I write the OS. Due to the fact that I have little experience, I only know how to do this for 32-bit (my OS turns out to be 3 ... I compile my code in GNU Assembler using as in Ubuntu; C++ code using g++. If you find duplicates, please drop them the link.

What is the alternative to an FPU on x86-64?

The code that performs calculations on floating-point numbers uses different extensions on x86 and x86-64 systems. On x86, this is an FPU, and on x86-64?

golang compiling for hosting

The task is to compile a program for the site on Golang, which will be called inside the CGI script. Hosting is not virtual, ... .Printf("Content-type: text/html \n\n") fmt.Printf("<html><body>hello, world</body></html>\n") }

Python 2.7 for Windows 7 x64 writes that it is "on win32". Why?

Why when running the installed Python 2.7.13 (Windows x86-64 MSI installer) the environment displays version information in t ... installer should I use to have full x64 support? Really, except as is there nothing else you can do with installing Python 3?