
iOS development on Windows

I know that this question has been asked more than once how to develop an iOS app or game without having any Apple products. ... he iPhone 5s, which costs $ 100, and that's why all my target audience is lost. Share the news or give advice on what to do?

What does the string using:no-loc(Xamarin.Forms):::

I look at the documentation for Xamarin.Forms and there, as an example, I meet something like this (from here https://docs.mi ... the studio highlights this as an error and nothing works. Actually, the question is what does it even mean and how to use it?

Why do I get an empty message from google.com xamarin c#

I want to send a request and get a response using a socket on xamarin (android) to implement a proxy server, but when receivi ... m.Write(b, 0, len); } return m.ToArray(); } } Host regular google 1,000,000 zeros

How to remove the keyboard in Xamarin.forms (Visual studio)?

Please tell me how to remove the system on-screen keyboard in xamarin.forms (Visual studio)And then I just started learning x ... it myself,but I didn't find any guides that were understandable for my low level of programming, and this is very necessary(

Xamarin Forms. Button image size

There is a button. It has a picture on it. The picture is obviously larger than it should be. How do I make the image shrink ... RelativeToParent, Property=Height, Factor = .3}" ContentLayout="Left, -300" /> </RelativeLayout>```

send a POST request (API) from C#

Trying to send a request POST from Xamarin, here is the text: var httpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("http:/ ... = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<TMessage>(value); db.InsReturn(a.sMessage); } Tell me, what am I doing wrong?

Xamarin.Android and proper app architecture

I decided to study Xamarin here.Android. And I can't find the" instructive " correct instructions for the correct organizatio ... ar students. Can that tell me on the topic, I appeal especially to those who have already worked a lot with zamarin. Thanks.

Linq query for multiple choice

There is a collection List<Plane> planesAll = PlaneCollection.GetPlane(); Selected position from the event select ... How do I make sure that all the conditions are met and the result is returned, which can be written to .ToList<T>() ?

Disable exiting the app (Kiosk Mode)

You need to run the android app in the "Kiosk Mode"mode. It is necessary that the user can not close or minimize the applicat ... displayed and nothing else is displayed until the reboot. Prestigo multipad weze 3341 3g tablet (PMT 3341_3G), android 5.1.1

Is it possible to develop for iOS on Windows without a Mac computer?

This is a difficult situation. Suddenly it was necessary to write a small application for iOS, but it was not there. I downlo ... S? Of the devices from Apple, there is an iPad and an iPhone-can this help in any way? Maybe there is some public Mac Server?

How do I open the Google Maps app with the specified coordinates from my Android app?

But not using Intent geo, but using exactly some Google Intent. For example, in Yandex, everything is simple and clear yande ... nd the catch-up question is: how do I determine / where to see which Intents are used by the application and what they cause?

Update ListView after Return with PopAsync in Xamarin Forms

How to update ListView after returning to View using PopAsync ? I need ListView to load her items after the address insert Vi ... a View de MeusEndereços onde contem a ListView que irá carregar os endereços cadastrados. await Page.Navigation.PopAsync();

How to prevent the app from being "minimized" by AppSwitch (RecentApps) Xamarin Android

I need to lock the device only for one application. I use in my project a line that determines that my app turns a launcher. ... ms for my application. Did not want to appeal to the files .kl that only work with the rooted device. Anyone have any ideas?

How to use an iOS simulator in a Windows 10 environment for a Xamarin project.Forms iOS

What I need to install to publish a Xamarin project.Forms.iOS in an iOS Simulator? I'm using a machine with: Windows 10 Visu ... ears a message from: No remotely accessible Macs were detected on your network. For more information, click where's My Mac?

Problem when rotating Android mobile screen

Hello, I am developing an application for android Using xamarin, I have in the application a webbrowser, very simple, where i ... ad the page ? what can I do so that this does not occur and continues on the page of logged in without unplugging? Thank you

Does Xamarin generate Java source codes?

I read that with Xamarin it is possible to program in C# for example, and generate a native Android and IOS application. Aft ... and continue with Java? I know that this way I would have some pros and cons, but I want to know to have more information.

An unhandled exception occurred. I can not understand this message, there is no detail

Personal this message: An unhandled exception occurred. Always happens when I try to consume my service REST. I first ... problem. EDIT1 Screenshot of the error message And this is the catch message: An error occurred while sending the request

Uninstall packages and all their dependencies at once

Is there any way for me to uninstall packages and all their dependencies in a single command? Without having to be uninstalli ... ll the package NETStandard.Library.1.6.1 and I got the following message: Package NETStandard.Library.1.6.1 was not found.

What is the correct way to use RunOnUiThread () in Xamarin.Android?

When I need to update a field in UI, do I need to run this code in UI thread? For example: I have to change the layout of my ... _txtStatus.Text = GetString(Resource.String.app_online); It is necessary to use the RunOnUiThread() in these cases or not?

More than one * Layout * in the app

How do I instantiate a new screen, I have the Main.axml and wanted when I clicked the button to call my Result.axml . I woul ... so need to pass values from my first activity to my secondary (layout) activity.. how do I do this with c # (xamarin studio)?