
Changing the image when the button is clicked. There are many buttons

Please tell me how you can implement a large number of buttons with the same two changing images so that you do not write a p ... nd. After all, it will be inconvenient to write 100 properties, 100 commands, and 100 bindings in the markup for 100 buttons.

How do I specify the "Color" type?" in XAML WPF?

People, I need to specify a class in TargetType, not Color, but Color?. That is, a color that can have the value Null. Specify TargetType="Color" I can, but I can't specify TargetType="Color?". Can you tell me how to do this?

How can I use ComboBox (WPF) to allow copying text from it to the clipboard?

There is a ComboBox described like this: <ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding DatabaseItems}" SelectedItem="{Bindi ... ing an item from the list. How to achieve this effect while maintaining the ban on manual text input in the ComboBox? Thanks!

WPF Textblock in 2 layers

I put one Textblock on top of the other to create the animation I needed, but I noticed that the edges of the lower one are j ... </BeginStoryboard> </EventTrigger> </TextBlock.Triggers> </TextBlock>

DatePicker Xaml UWP reduce calendar size

Who knows how to change the calendar size, margins between day month and year <StackLayout Orientation="Horizontal" ... <effects:PointerEffect /> </DatePicker.Effects> </DatePicker> </StackLayout>

WPF&MVVM: System Library.Windows. Interactivity is no longer available?

As part of the lesson on the MVVM pattern for WPF applications, I needed to add the System.Windows.Interactivity.dll library ... ndow> I don't know how this is related to the System.Windows.Interactivity library, but how should I solve this problem?

WPF&MVVM: Description of the Relay Command logic

In this lesson on the MVVM pattern for applications WPF there was such an example: private RelayCommand addCommand; public R ... n"; clickedButton.Tag="Off"; } } XAML: <Button Command="{Binding ClickButton}" Content="On" Tag="On" />

How to make a round ProgressBar in WPF?

There is an image You need to wrap the image with the loading indicator and change the color as the indicator progresses

How to correctly populate a ListBox from XAML WPF

How to fill in the ListBox correctly, so that you can then adequately extract its items. For example, if you add elements in ... <TextBlock>xxx</TextBlock> <TextBlock>zzz</TextBlock> </ListBox>

How do I make a toggle-button in Blend?

I work in Blend for Visual Studio 2013, I needed to make a toggle-button, but all I know is a switch in the form of a button, ... you don't mind, I would be grateful for a step-by-step guide, how to make a togglebutton identical to the one in the picture.

WPF click trigger event

Which event in the triggers is responsible for the click? I want to make it so that when you click on the image, it increases ... "Width" Value="100"/> </Trigger> </Style.Triggers> </Style> </Grid.Style>

Translating Binding from XAML to code

Please help me translate this Binding from XAML into code: Width="{Binding Width, ElementName=dockPanel}. My XAML : <Li ... dth = SetBinding(Width, dockPanel.Width); myListBoxItem.Content = "Моя строчка :D"; this.mylistbox.Items.Add(myListBoxItem);

Flat border style in GroupBox

Tell me how to remove the 3D border effect from GroupBox and make it Flat a style. Now if I select BorderThickness equal to 1 ... ; Screen: I use Visual Studio 2010. It does not allow you to copy the element template to make your own one based on it.

Binding to properties obtained via Reflection - C# WPF

Good afternoon! There is a model class with various properties (settings) that can be updated, so the task is to pull these ... </Grid> </DataTemplate> </ListBox.ItemTemplate> </ListBox>

Programmatically set the Grid.Row and Grid. Column

Programmatically collecting XAML markup: private Grid MakeGrid() { Grid grid = new Grid(); ColumnDefinition cd1 = n ... } You must enclose the "arrow" Polyline in the first row of the first column Grid. I can't find how to write it correctly.

Binding to Image does not work.Source WPF

<Window x:Class="project.View.AddWorkerWindow" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" ... insert the same path in the tag <Image> Source="../images/man.png" - the picture is visible What could be the reason?

RichTextBox how to use it

Please tell me how to use RichTextBox? How do I insert text and change its appearance(color or background of individual words, etc.) in XAML? and in c#, if not difficult. or throw a link to the plz.

Concatenation (gluing) of multiple values into a single string

How can I merge multiple values into a single string in XAML? Now it displays Users in the team : 33. I want to add the name ... ToTeams.Count}" HeaderStringFormat="Пользователей в команде : {0}" Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="0" Margin="5" FontSize="15">

Equalizer or visualizer in WPF

I'm making an audio player in WPF. And I have an ellipse. I need this ellipse to twitch to the beat (music).

XAML without previewer or designer - Visual Studio

I'm using Visual Studio 2015 Community with Xamarin, and I realized that when editing XAML in designer mode (Shift + F7) I ca ... updated computer newly formed and installed software OS Windows 10 Enterprise x64, and tested also in the Pro version.