
How to configure xdebug + phpstorm on a remote server

What I did for this. To begin with, I installed xdebug on the server. on centos 6, I installed the extension Yum install ... sends something to port 9000. However, I do not know how , I am not strong in the admin panel ((. Tell me where to dig, HELP!

Configuring remote debugging of PHP code over SSH in VSCode

There is a server on CentOS 7 with PHP7 installed.2 and Xdebug 2.9.0. On a PC with Windows 10, VSCode is installed, with conf ... ameters of a new type in php. ini, I assumed that I just couldn't master them, but in 2.9 everything happens exactly the same

Windows 10 + vscode + php. Encoding problems in the debugger

In Windows 10, vscode, openserver for php development are installed. Debugging via xdebug is configured in vscode. The proble ... The encoding of the source files is utf-8. I can't figure out what to tweak so that the debager outputs everything correctly.

Configuring Xdebug + PhpStorm + PHP-fpm + Ubuntu

I can't configure Xdebug. Lelayu so: In the /etc/php/7.4/mods-available/php.ini file I prescribe the following parameters ... ipt does not stop and the current values of the variables do not change. output. Tell me, please, what could be the problem?

Configuring PhpStorm + XDebug

Good time of day. Finally, I decided to understand and configure PhpStorm + XDebug. I made all the php configuration by anal ... e debug section: Warning for incoming connection withide key ’12732′ Please tell me what the problem is, what I did wrong.

Debugging with PhpStorm and xDebug on the Beget hosting

How can I configure the xDebug debugger with PhpStorm if the site is hosted on a shared hosting instead of a virtual server? Is it possible in principle? If not, is there such a possibility for Beget hosting?

xdebug PHP 7.2 to Ubunu 16.04

[SOLVED] The problem is, to compile a new xdebug, I need the phpize of the new version, I don't know where to find it or how ... fering for 2 days. Who has a great rating, if you can, add the phpize label, suddenly someone it will also solve this issue.