
Generate C # Class from an XSD

I am needing to generate the class from a file .XSD. Although I have already tried everything I knew (used .NET tool: xsd. ... o" type="cnj:tipoProcessoJudicial" /> </sequence> </complexType> </element> </schema>

How to read the xsd file from inside my C project#

I am doing validation of an xml from an xsd file like this: XmlSchemaSet schemaSet = new XmlSchemaSet(); schemaSet.Add("urn ... .xsd"); Validate("D:/Arquivo/Exemplo_Saida.xml", schemaSet); How do I fetch the xsd, and it is already inside my Solution?

The ref attribute of an element in the xml schema document

I'm doing an xml xs file generator, but I'm in doubt if some parts should be filled. <xs:element name="identificacao"> ... : 1 form for name = template. 1 form for ref = identification. As many forms as you want for ref=provider. Is that right?