
XPath double or nested text in ID

The site has a drop-down menu with the text: "Power Supply Unit". With the built-in Chrome browser tools, I defined the full ... : is it possible to use 2 selectors, or is it necessary to somehow combine the ID with the text in one selector? Tell me how?

Xpath text()

Hello. Tell me how I can find the tag by the text inside, if some of the information is dynamic. I understand how to find sta ... a href="#">Ссылка</a> </body> Xpath: //body/a[text()="Ссылка"] What if I only know part of the text? Thanks.

Parse the minimum Html Agility Pack

Hello everyone. There is a piece of html from which you need to parse the min price <span class="market_table_value"> ... sting_their_price']//span[@class='market_table_value']//span[@class='market_listing_price market_listing_price_with_fee']");

Grab does not accept Xpath

Hello everyone Such a problem: does not see page elements. I tried using Scrapy - nothing works. Please tell me how this can ... ld not get first item for .//*[@id='resultsHeader']/section/div/div[8]/div/div[2]/div[1]/a/span query of class XpathSelector

Table output via XSL

There is XML <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="Authors.xsl"?> <ca ... ngs to columns so that they don't repeat themselves every time? You should get something like this, just add the headers

XPath SelectSingleNode can't select an item

Good afternoon. there is an XML file <issuance xmlns="http://www.w3schools.com" sender="35"> <general> ... remove xmlns="http://www.w3schools.com" sender="35"and leave only ` then the code starts working. Can you tell me what to do?

Python Selenium. Put a like under the video on YouTube

I try to implement it, but an exception occurs: Selenium.common.exceptions.ElementNotInteractableException: Message: Element ... ns(driver).move_to_element(element).perform(); # или так driver.executeScript("arguments[0].scrollIntoView(true);", element)

how to display images with xsl with img src from xml file

I have for example the XSL Code: <xsl:for-each select="//*"> <xsl:for-each select="imagem"> <img> ... it looks like this: <img src="img1.pngimg2.pngimg3.pngimg4.pngimg5.png"> Does anyone ae have any idea how to solve?

DOMXpath query with multiple classes

I am performing a parse on a file html with the following structure: <div class="lstImv blackBd12"> <div class ... I would like the keys to come sequentially (k1, k2,..., k7,k1, k2,..., k7) and not the way it is (k1, k1,k2,k2..., k7, k7).

XPath with Python-pick up text after tag in a div

I'm trying to grab a text after a tag that's inside a div, in an html. The problem I'm having is that I'm not getting the tex ... ly I get an empty string. My imports: import lxml.html as parser import requests from urllib.parse import urlsplit, urljoin

I can't get XPath from comment box on YouTube

I need to be able to comment on YouTube, but XPATH does not work, even with the right parameters, I have tried with ID and EL ... teditable-textarea"]').send_keys('TEXTO A SER COEMNTADO') ###ESTA PARTE QUE ESTOUC COM PROBLEMAS### keyboard.press('Enter')

Radio button selection-Selenium and Python

Good Morning guys! I am trying to extract some information from the central bank website using selenium with python. First le ... l/body/div[1]/div[1]/form/div[2]/div[5]/input"} (Session info: chrome=83.0.4103.116) Thanks in advance for the help, guys!