
xml schema validation error

I started learning xml, got to xml schema, and when I try to check the xml file for validity, I get the following error ERRO ... ="id" type="xs:string"/> </xs:complexType> </xs:schema> Please tell me where I made a mistake? Thanks!

XML validation using the XSD schema - How to determine the element that contains the erroneous attribute?

I am writing a program to check the XML file for compliance with the XSD schema. General code: private void buttonCheck_C ... lBack() procedure from XmlReader, you need to somehow get the element on which the error occurred and give its name. But how?

maven-jaxb2-plugin replaces Cyrillic characters in quotation marks with unicode character codes

I use the plugin <groupId>org.jvnet.jaxb2.maven2</groupId> <artifactId>maven-jaxb2-plugin</artifactId> ... oding>UTF-8</encoding> does not change anything in the plugin configuration. Java version: 14. Thank you in advance!

Connecting an xsd schema to an xml file

Xml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <students xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:s ... the same folder. Error: Sannot find declaration of element students The students element is described, what's wrong?

Create your own xml validator

Given the task to write your own validator xml file for xsd in java. I found a lot of different online validators on the Internet, but I don't understand how they work. How exactly is the well-formed and valid xml file checked?

XML Schema (XSD) from an XML document. Namespaces

I've been working for two days now. The only problem is how to allocate certain element attributes to a separate namespace. T ... e, the validator (VS) requires that all tags and elements are assigned to the ns space. Can you tell me what the problem is?

What is XSD? what is it eaten with?

The mentor suggested to divide my project into three modules. The first is the DAO, the second is the API (XSD), and the thir ... s it needed, and how to use it, I do not know? And the mentor told me very superficially, without really explaining anything.

Why does an invalid file successfully pass validation (C#)?

Good day to all! I ran into a problem that I can't properly connect the validation of the xml file via the xsd schema. The pr ... or", out type)) { if (type == XmlSeverityType.Error) throw new Exception(e.Message); } }

Simple example of how to generate an XML file in Oracle

Would someone have a simple example of a PLSQL Procedure (or documentation location) to generate an XML file based on a Schem ... (xsd) , the data would be generated from a SQL query. In reality archives of the RPS of the ANS (National Health Agency BR).

XSD for C# enum class

I am generating a class with XSD.EXE from a schema. I am summarizing the posting only the part of the schema that generates t ... eferring to the items of the defined enum equal to those of the attribute? Why in a real application would this be absurd ?

Generate C # Class from an XSD

I am needing to generate the class from a file .XSD. Although I have already tried everything I knew (used .NET tool: xsd. ... o" type="cnj:tipoProcessoJudicial" /> </sequence> </complexType> </element> </schema>

The ref attribute of an element in the xml schema document

I'm doing an xml xs file generator, but I'm in doubt if some parts should be filled. <xs:element name="identificacao"> ... : 1 form for name = template. 1 form for ref = identification. As many forms as you want for ref=provider. Is that right?