
How does Python treat the "yield" command internally?

I was reading about Python's yield command, and it seems to me that this command creates a generator that would be a kind o ... on So I would like to know how Python treats the yield command internally? Or what structure or mechanism does yield Use?

What are the advantages of using a "generator" (yield) in PHP?

Starting with PHP 5.5, the generator was implemented in the language. It can be used within a function from the keyword yield ... antage of save this memory and simplify the use of a iterator , What are the other advantages of using the generator in PHP?

What is Yield for?

For some time now I have been writing some basic scripts with Python, in some tutorials I am sometimes presented with yield, which usually appears in repeat structures commonly while. What's it for? And how to use?

How to read / translate the yield keyword?

I am studying about the keyword Yield in C#, and I have this doubt: how to read this word in Portuguese (structured?). Would ... would be good! Note that my question is not exactly about how Yield works, but a good way to translate it into Portuguese.