
youtube iframe api remove all elements from the video and prevent pausing when clicked

Is it possible to remove all visible elements on a youtube video and not give the user a pause? Read the documentation in th ... { if ( === YT.PlayerState.ENDED) { player.playVideo(); } } </script>

How do I get "My Subscriptions" via the YouTube API?

I can't get "My Subscriptions" via the YouTube API. My request looks like this: GET: ... 0, "resultsPerPage": 10 }, "items": [] } As you can see, no "My subscriptions" are shown here . What am I doing wrong?

Access Not Configured error when trying to connect to the google API

I can't access the YouTube API via javascript (although I actually started using php (with a different key), but a similar er ... ] }, "id": "gapiRpc" } ] Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong, or at least which way to dig?

I'm working with the Youtube API KEY. And I can't get the status of the code 200 in any way

But at the same time, with the same parameters, React shows the status of the code 401. Although the authorization of my account was in Google. I need help with this.

Sending messages to a stream chat using the Youtube API

There is a problem with the Youtube API, I have been searching for the second day - I can't find anything. Task: Use the You ... Youtube Chat stream Bot

Youtube Iframe with full link

Hello! I would like to know if there is any iframe or something like that that I can get by the video on my site, in the man ... t can be registered the short URL of the video that ends up being like this: it won't work out.

catch who gave like on YouTube video PHP API

Do you have any way to receive information from anyone who likes a particular video? example, joão gave like in the video "playing here", or better yet, do you have any way to know how many likes in videos joão has given in every channel?

Embed a private video from my YouTube channel on my website

I would like to embed on my website a video set to Private that is on my youtube channel. Reading the YouTube documentation ... hem see the video / livestream only from my site, even "forcing" the user to visit my page, even if they have the video link.

How to know if the video is copyrighted through youtube api [closed]

closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... Is there a way through json to find out if a certain video is copyrighted by the YouTube api?

Mutate videos inside Slider with Youtube iframe API

I'm having a bizarre situation going on. I have a loop in PHP to consume bank information and display on the page. One of th ... nce the iframe is the first in the list, it doubles the record. Would anyone have any idea how I can resolve this situation?

Set, pick up and check a Cookie after a video (YouTube API) ends - JavaScript

I need the browser to understand when a user saw a YouTube video (YouTube API) to the end and record this, but all client-sid ... ookie ON'); } } } //[Desabilitar Menu] jQuery(document).on('contextmenu', function() { return false; });

Error fetching video by location on Youtube Api V3

I would like to know what the Url Error is: Https:// ... want gives error in the request: 500 Internal Server Error { "error": { "code": 500, "message": null } }

Passing the" video-Index " of a playlist in a YouTube iframe

I'm creating a site where I want to display the last two videos posted on a given channel, but I can't pass the parameters of ... scope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> Can anyone help me with a possible solution to my problem?

How to hide top bar (title and logo) from Youtube iframe

After the Youtube API update in September, the "showinfo=0" Command stopped working on iframes. Is there any way to hide this ... ad_policy=3" showinfo="0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" class="lazyloaded" data-was-processed="true"></iframe>

How to pause youtube-player via typescript?

I am making an application in Angular (9.11) and I need to know how long the user has watched a video on youtube. I am using ... t}}" (stateChange)="playerEvent($event)" width="712px" height="400px" ></youtube-player> </div>

Recover most viewed videos from youtube channel

How do I retrieve the 5 most viewed videos from my Youtube channel to put on my site?