
In what quality should I render after effects for uploading to YouTube?

I downloaded a project in which I put my own music, text and pictures and got a good slideshow. Of course, with animations fr ... deo on YouTube or Vimeo (video presentation) I will be glad if you tell me exactly what settings. adobe after effects cc 2018

Sending messages to a stream chat using the Youtube API

There is a problem with the Youtube API, I have been searching for the second day - I can't find anything. Task: Use the You ... Youtube Chat stream Bot

Direct link to youtube video

Faced with the problem of a direct link to a YouTube video. I want that when you enter a link to YouTube in the field, the vi ... ncoded_fmt_stream_map); foreach ($arr as $item) { parse_str($item, $vdata); print_r($vdata); } ?>

How to open a youtube link from your app

You need to place a video from youtube in the app. But when you click on it, the user must go to the official youtube app(or ... That is, so that it is not played in the app itself, but is thrown to the browser or to the Youtube app. How to implement it?

How do I get a list of links to YouTube channel videos?

There is a code that outputs a list of video titles on a YouTube channel: <?php $content=file_get_contents('https:// ... $count=1; echo $line."<br>"; } } ?> Can you tell me how to display more links to these videos?

Youtube-video does not play on a third-party site

Such a problem, an account was created, two videos were uploaded to it, their own videos, a check mark with the permission wa ... are no warnings in the account, if you log in to youtube, then the video perfectly played, has anyone ever encountered this?

How do I download videos from Rutube using youtube-dl?

Is it possible to download Rutube videos using youtube-dl? If possible, how?

how to implement a dark theme on a site like youtube?

Need to make a switch to night mode like youtube, this can only be done on the frontend ? via localstorage ? P.S.: google didn't help with the answer.

is it possible to insert html code in youtube comments

For example, I need to insert a picture in youtube comment is it possible to implement this even in the most crutchy way. If not, then write it.

How do I create a GIF image from a part of a video? [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... t. Please tell me, maybe there are some ready-made libraries/solutions ( php, javascript) or the solution principle itself.

Is it possible to view private videos through Youtube API?

I am creating a content strategy for a client and the following need arose: to display private YouTube channel videos on the ... really need to know if it's possible. I looked at the documentation, but I could not clarify this doubt much. Thank you all!

Youtube Iframe with full link

Hello! I would like to know if there is any iframe or something like that that I can get by the video on my site, in the man ... t can be registered the short URL of the video that ends up being like this: it won't work out.

How to control edges in Youtube video

How to embed a Youtube video without leaving this black embroidery on the sides. I would like to leave it with 100% width but with a set height could someone help me?

Embed YouTube mute Video

I'm trying to make the video start mute but it is not working, will it be correct the code? <script> var tag = docum ... pi=1&showinfo=0?ecver=1&autohide=1&&playlist=bD7BZPipQHY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

How does youtube know which videos we've already watched?

The question itself already describes my interest, but what I'm really wondering is how youtube stores the information saying ... uTube to watch a video and soon after the video appears with a film on it semi-transparent with the following say "assisted".

Hide youtube link

I am developing a system of video courses. I would like to know if there is any way to take a video from youtube, and put it ... that the user can not(make it difficult) to view the youtube link, so that he can not share it with other people. Thank you!

Video continues to play when modal closes

I created a modal that opens when clicking on an image, within this modal will have a youtube video and a small description o ... $(".text").on("click", function() { player.playVideo(); }); Also seems to not work, both to start playback and to pause.

how to create a full screen youtube video with back button?

Guys, I need to create a player on my site, that when clicking the watch button, it opens in full screen and contains a "back" button for the user to return to home. Would it be possible to do this using the youtube player?

Embed a private video from my YouTube channel on my website

I would like to embed on my website a video set to Private that is on my youtube channel. Reading the YouTube documentation ... hem see the video / livestream only from my site, even "forcing" the user to visit my page, even if they have the video link.

Upload Youtube videos thumbnails only

I have a page that in its layout there are 20 YouTube videos, it is a listing. Since I do not want to make this page actually ... like to know if you have how to load only the thumbnail of the video, when I click opens a colorbox, or something like that.