
the code for the bot that downloads videos from youtube(python) does not work)

I make a bot for telegram, it should download the video from the entered link, while the bot is a test and the link is alread ... Привет.") bot.polling(none_stop=True, interval=0)``` а вот фрагмент ошибки: streams[i] IndexError: list index out of range

C# YouTube Downloader

I write a video downloader from YouTube on lib VideoLibrary. The interface has a progress bar and two buttons + another input ... yte[] bytesvideo = video.GetBytes(); File.WriteAllBytes(result + video.FullName, bytesvideo); } } }

youtube iframe api remove all elements from the video and prevent pausing when clicked

Is it possible to remove all visible elements on a youtube video and not give the user a pause? Read the documentation in th ... { if ( === YT.PlayerState.ENDED) { player.playVideo(); } } </script>

How do I get "My Subscriptions" via the YouTube API?

I can't get "My Subscriptions" via the YouTube API. My request looks like this: GET: ... 0, "resultsPerPage": 10 }, "items": [] } As you can see, no "My subscriptions" are shown here . What am I doing wrong?

How do I insert YouTube broadcast comments on wordpress?

I want to display a broadcast from YouTube on the site page, but the live broadcast is displayed without comments, only the video window. How to display live broadcast comments? P. S Website on Wordpress

Selenium finds an element every other time

Hello! I pull out the h1 element on the YouTube video page using Selenium.WebDriver (the element is not dynamic) //--- открыв ... licitWait = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2); The result of the code on the site: (since the link is not available leave) and youtube dl audio playback without jumping

How can you play audio in a bot using the youtube_dl library, but without installing the audio itself in the bot's directory ... ntly, and given that the audio launch is instant, and bots are very popular, then clearly this happens without jumping video)

Pytube. Download several different video options, certain qualities, and audio

How to download the best quality audio possible in pytube and download the best quality video separately, 480p. In total, you ... iles For example, here is the video:

How do I check a youtube link for the existence of a video?

Tell me who knows. How do I check a youtube link for the existence of a video?

Working example of displaying a Youtube video in FancyBox

Who can share? Here is the code I have displays the video not in the center of the screen, and the iframe of the video witho ... }, title: { type: 'inside' // to append the html } } }); });

How do I get the exact current timecode? - or - How to integrate your subtitles into someone else's video on YouTube?

I make an extension for YouTube that will show subtitle not two lines, but one word at a time. As it turned out, YouTube stor ... ow exactly when what word to output? Youtube also takes this value from somewhere. Please tell me in which direction to move?

how do I make a discord music bot based on a song name in python?

I started learning discord bots on python and wanted to make a music bot. I could only do it by following the link from YouTu ... track' is not a valid URL. Set --default-search "ytsearch" (or run youtube-dl "ytsearch:gta5soundtrack" ) to search YouTube

Checking the likes on YouTube

How do I check if a video is worth liking using Selenium and Python?I was able to put a like, but before that you need to check whether it is worth it at all,and how to do it - I do not know.

How do I make sure that the bot is constantly working and after the video jumps on the link, you do not need to re-write /start?

import re import sys import os import telebot import subprocess import time from youtube_dl import YoutubeDL #global title ... l) print(v) video = open(v, 'rb') bot.send_video(, video) bot.polling(none_stop=True)

Mistake. Please try again later

Adobe Flash updated, cache cleared, page refreshed 100 times, nothing helps And so on ALL browsers . Even if you manage to l ... er and half of it has been deleted . A mess of labels, pictures, and links I'm not good at this, I can't survive without help

Streaming to Youtube via GStreamer

I'm trying to send a video broadcast to youtube. As a test, I create a broadcast on the youtube channel, get the desired url ... ation="rtmp://$6e2w-m9pq-zgm3-jc6m-5kse app=live2" audiotestsrc ! voaacenc bitrate=128000 ! mux.

How does the vidIQ extension determine the position of a video in the search?

When you upload a video to YouTube and add tags to it, then these tags are visible to absolutely everyone in the page code: h ... o in the YouTube search, most likely through queries. But I would like to know more precisely what method uses the extension. alerts from YouTube

I want to make a Discord bot that will notify you about new videos on a particular channel (like mee6). I didn't find anything in the documentation, I would be very grateful if someone would help me.

POST request to the YouTube API in Java

It is necessary to make a request, but I do not quite understand how, namely, how to set the data required for transmission. ... } finally { con.disconnect(); } I don't understand where to write json to send to cURL this is --data

Why does Youtube-mp3-downloader give the unexpected token error?

I try to understand the library Youtube-mp3-downloader but I constantly run into the error SyntaxError: Unexpected token How ... videoId] = callback; // Trigger download,; }; module.exports = Downloader;