
Ban on app deletion

There is an application and it is necessary to impose a ban on its removal. There is an idea to install it in some folder, and assign read-only rights to this folder under the root. What ideas do you have?

How do websites and services determine that you are a robot?

I wrote a site parser, on Node JS, I'm sitting here now debugging it seems to work, I parsed 67 ads. The problem is different ... tlemen? How do they do it? How can I disguise myself then, I'm not a ddos-er? I use got, and puppeteer for difficult moments.

Choosing an obfuscator for JAVA

Advise an obfuscator that can: rename files redistribute them to other packages And it is desirable that some files can be l ... tatic int ii; private static int ij = 2 * ii; public ab(int par1) { ii = par1; } /*Дальше еще какой-то код... */ }

Javascript Obfuscation on the go in PHP

Users connect my <script src="//domain.com/user-uuid/script.js"></script> script to their site. PHP uses a templa ... Minus: very easy to get around-if you replace eval with console.log, the enemy will immediately receive the decrypted code.

Protecting your app

Hello.There is an application with built-in purchases, advertising.You can use Lucky Patcher to tweak it.For example, remove ... ti is always enabled.Maybe someone knows how to check this case, and how you can protect your application from such programs?

How to remove malicious code from a site

Hello. Recently, I started noticing that when I open my site, there is a redirect to some advertising site. I started looking ... echo $data['ak']; } cs_plugin_load(); } UPD 2: I just looked at the logs for one of the sites and here's what's there

Maintaining passwords with integrity

How to save passwords in a local application. I have a C# application in VS that requires a password when logging in, after l ... hashing and encryption, but how can I protect a file with a password from, for example, deleting or changing the data in it?