
How to unzip a folder in a Java archive

There is a code that unpacks ALL folders starting from the root (in the archive), and I need to do 1 directory below, if you ... ut.close(); System.out.println("запись"); exist = false; } } }

Python. Zip function remove extra characters

There is a zip of the form: ('20191021000000', '-41152') ('20191021000100', '-41159.7') ... ('20191021235800', '-4247 ... th this approach, formatting is lost. Is there a better way to avoid having to restore the original formatting later? Thanks.

When installing the theme: The archive could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css style sheet

Downloaded the theme. I install it gives me: The archive could not be installed. The theme is missing a style sheet style. ... loaded here I read that you need to change the css header. Changed - all the same. What should I do? What needs to be done...

Working with archives.Java.Uploading files

I write for android the semblance of a certain book," sheets of the book " I store in the form of html pages, pages in the ar ... out the archive, etc. Also ZipInputStream. There is a lot of information, but not that. Haven't worked before with archives.

How to interact with c++rar archives?

I want to write a selection of passwords(on the lab you need) for rar archives. Are there any apishki that I would at least h ... f opening the archive and entering the password? I write in c++ on Windows. I apologize if there is a poorly worded question.

Open a password-protected java zip

I use the following code to read and write the zip file. The archive is password-protected, can you tell me the lib or where ... t.getExternalStorageDirectory(),"")); byte[] buffer = response.body().bytes(); fos.write(buffer, 0, buffer.length);

How are zlib, gzip, and zip related? What do they have in common and what are their differences?

The compression algorithm used in zlib is almost the same as in gzip and zip. How do they differ?