
CNC.htaccess (PHP)

Guys, hi, everyone. Tell me how to remove the display .php in the address bar via .htaccess. For example there is a page test ... e same time, so that all this is displayed normally. Tell me who faced it. I would be very grateful for an article or advice!

How to enable the CNC in the bitrix news.list component

The site has an inform folder with 2 files in it index.php and detail.php In the file index.php the news.list component is ca ... gt; <?/*if($arParams["DISPLAY_BOTTOM_PAGER"]):?> <?=$arResult["NAV_STRING"]?> <?endif;*/?> </ul>

Working with htaccess. how to remove a file extension

Actually, the question is this. How to use Htaccess to remove the file extension I tried like this RewriteEngine ON Rewrit ... In general the question is how to remove the extension while the server sees the index files for example Index.php, login.php

Angular + Laravel PHP Routing in.htaccess

Good time of day. Have some trouble. There is a website in Angular and a server in PHP (Laravel). The customer asked to re ... ixLogs')->name('admin.soap.fix'); Route::get('/postman', function () { return view('welcome'); })->name('index');

Configuring htaccess to use auto-subdomains

Task: There is a website gid28.ru. You need to do this by url: blagoveshchensk.gid28.ru - opened the url www.gid28.ru/ci ... s for the main one domain take url without www? I haven't quite figured out why we need flags (for example, [l,QSA] , etc.)

Wordpress CNC get parameter

There is a page stranicza-profilya, I output the get parameter on it site.com/stranicza-profilya/?id=field845604 Please tell ... ly in htaccess, since wp automatically creates it and there is a chance that it may be lost in the future his. Please help me

CNC links using.htaccess

Hello. There is such a url address http://домен/index.php?table=datapages&pages=news I want to use it .htaccess get t ... n RewriteRule ^index/([^/]+)/([^/]+) index.php?table=$1&pages=$2 It should work, but nothing changes, help if you can.

Hide links using htaccess

You need to start with two links: 1. /user/info/anketa.php?id=1 Make /user/ник 2. /user/search.php?search=какой-то текст Make /user/search/какой-то текст

Php-CNC with htaccess

There is a wordpress with htaccess RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILEN ... work out: RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^site.com$ [NC] RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ http://en.site.ru/$1/ [L] Thank you for your advice.

Create a subdomain using.htaccess

How to create a subdomain using .htaccess needs to be turned into http://site.ru/game.php?the=World In http://game.site.ru/World Well, or at least turn http://site.ru/game.php?the=World In http://site.ru/Game=World How to implement it ?

301 Redirect from a domain to another domain

Setting up a 301 redirect from one domain to another domain via .htaccess Everything works. Only after the redirect is added ... tml/$1 [R=301,L] The result is https://site-new.ua/product/dix-autogrommets.html?ru/equipment/other_equipment/Dix-AutoGramm

Subdomain to domain folder

Tell me if it is possible to implement it... We have a resource site.com and ext.site.com... it is necessary that ext.site.co ... possible through mod_rewrite? Why do you need the weight of the site? ext.test.com left for test.com for search engines...

Deny access to the folder for the user, not for php

Using htaccess, you need to lock the _media folder and all the folders and files lying in it. As they say, cut off at the roo ... les in this folder. Well, not only with the help of PHP. For example, <img src="_media/img/logo.jpg"> should also work.

How to shorten links using.htaccess

There are links of the form https://site.co.ua/projekts/abc/abc.html , https://site.co.ua/projekts/def/def.html and so on., y ... ot suitable RewriteRule ^abc$ /projekts/abc/abc.html [L] It is necessary that all links in the prjekts folder are abbreviated

{HTTP HOST} in. htaccess

Hello. There is an address https://super.loc Why is this expression incorrect: RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !https://{HTTP_HOS ... ession: RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !https://super.loc {HTTP_HOST} after all, it returns the hostname, in this case super.loc

How to automatically change the URL for all php files in this directory

There is a URL www.мойсайт.ru/pages/start.php; you need to change the extension .php to .html and also hide the /pages/direct ... мойсайт.ru/start.html and all this should happen automatically for all php files in this directory. What code should I write?

Redirection from site1/site2/default.html on site2

Hello! I need to redirect http://site1/site2/default.htm requests on the server to http://site2/ I tried to do this: Rewrite ... Match "^[^\.]+$"> ForceType text/html </FilesMatch> RewriteRule http://site1/site2/default.htm http://site2/

Authorization via.htaccess using AuthFormProvider file

The site has done authorization using the Apache module auth_form_module via .htaccess In. htaccess is written Session On Se ... required. Additionally, a 401 Unauthorized error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

Migrating a site from http to https

Hello! Received an SSL certificate. Now you need to change the protocol from http to https, which caused some difficulties: ... ow painless to attach scripts to an https site over http? Are there any disadvantages or problems when switching to https?